Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1281 I thought it was the autumn wind

Chapter 1281 I thought it was the autumn wind
After all, when Dafang was in the most difficult time, Yin Cuihua stepped on them. She didn't help the other brothers of the Qin family or Dafang.

That being the case, their big house is now well-developed, so naturally they don't want to associate with these people and let them get rich.

Before Su Qingyao and the others could answer, Qin An smiled and said, "Yu'er's mother, mother and fifth brother, fifth younger brother and sister are here to see us!
Now that we have moved to the county town, we have to let them meet and see what kind of life we ​​live in the county town, how our life is like! "

Wu could see from Qin An's eyes that he wanted to show off.

The big house has been suppressed for so long, and this time it can be said that it has turned around. Qin An wanted to show off, and Wu could understand it, so he didn't say much, but just snorted softly, "That's good, I thought it was The one who came here to borrow money from Qiufeng!"

Yin Cuihua's face turned hot, "Boss, what are you talking about? How could we come here to borrow money from Qiufeng!"

Wu Shi smiled, "Mother, I just said that casually, and I didn't say that you must come to fight the autumn wind, did I? Why do you say that you want me to care about it casually?"

Yin Cuihua twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, "Boss daughter-in-law, I just said it casually, there is no other meaning!"

Su Qingyao hooked the corners of her lips and said, "Don't worry, sister-in-law, our fifth room is now able to earn money by itself, and we have money to use, so it won't come to the point where you are here."

"Hey, fifth brother and sister, your fifth wife can make money, sister-in-law knows!

But I can't guarantee that the other people from the other rooms will come to play the autumn breeze in the future!
So my mother has to help me persuade me when I go back, it is not easy for our eldest family to live such a good life now, so don't come here to borrow money casually! "

Yin Cuihua responded with a somewhat embarrassed face.

This eldest daughter-in-law has a really bad heart, that's what she said, didn't she also vaccinate her on purpose?
Tell her not to borrow money in the future, and she will not be able to borrow money when the sixth child is short of money.

Finally, there is someone she can rely on, but she can't count on it, so how could Yin Cuihua not feel depressed.

"However, mother and fifth brother, the fifth younger brother and sister are here today, we, as the hosts, should really treat them well.

Yu'er's father, have you ordered the kitchen to cook?Did you say cook more delicious food? " Wu asked Qin An.

Qin An nodded, and replied, "I said it, I said it a long time ago.

Mother and five brothers and sisters come here very rarely, and they have to leave early tomorrow morning.

We are brothers and sisters-in-law, so what if we don't treat them well!
Mother, fifth younger brother, fifth younger sibling, if you have anything you want to eat or drink, just tell your eldest brother, and your eldest brother will ask someone to prepare it for you! "Qin An showed a very generous appearance.

Su Qingyao smiled, "No need, I don't have anything to eat, brother, look at it. It's too troublesome to come here and disturb you."

Su Qingyao was too lazy to accept Dafang's favor.

In fact, she has never eaten anything delicious, and she has seen more things in her previous life than the Dafang people.

Dafang just thinks that he has moved to the county seat now, and there are more things here than in the town. After staying for a few days, he thinks that his vision is wider than that of the town and the country people. One's own world, I thought it was amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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