Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1282 Want to stay and live...

Chapter 1282 Want to stay and live...

In addition, Su Qingyao is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others, so she never thought of gaining any benefits from Dafang.

Now relying on herself, the soap business is so booming that she doesn't need to seek favors from others at all.

If you count it, it is not difficult for Su Qingyao to gain a foothold in the county with the money she earns now.

And the money she has accumulated now is enough to buy a house in the county town that is bigger than the big house.

It's a pity that the Dafang didn't know much about Su Qingyao's business, and thought that although Su Qingyao earned a lot, it was only compared with his Dafang in the village, and it was still much worse than their Dafang now.

It was this sense of superiority that Qin An and Wu Shi put up a high profile in front of her.

Yin Cuihua smiled and said, "Hey, Boss, just pick out any good things in your house, and my mother will also eat more. Open your eyes and see what delicious things there are in the county."

Qin An responded with a smile, "Mother, don't worry, if there's something good I can hide it from you?
It’s rare to come here, and the time to stay is not long, so just talk about what you want to eat, you’re welcome here! "

After Qin An said that, Yin Cuihua rubbed her hands together while being happy, and looked at Qin An with some embarrassment, "Boss, Mother actually came here today to discuss something with you!"

Qin An raised his eyebrows and asked, "Mother, is there anything you want to discuss with me?"

"That...boss, mother wants to stay here for more than a day?"

Qin An was slightly taken aback, and then replied, "Understood, you really can't spend more time in the county town in one day, and eat more, mother, then you can stay for two or three days and you will be fine, and you can live here in my house. I entertain you!"

Wu Shi on the side was a little displeased.

I didn't like Yin Cuihua in the first place, so I naturally didn't want Yin Cuihua to stay at her house for too long.

It's not bad to entertain for a day, but you have to make an inch, and you want to stay for a few more days!

But thinking that Yin Cuihua is her man's mother after all, it's not easy for her to point fingers and not let the old man stay for a few more days, and she will have to bear the reputation of being unfilial if she speaks out.

It's no big deal to grit your teeth and bear it, let Yin Cuihua stay for two more days.

However, Yin Cuihua said with a shy smile, "Mother doesn't want to stay for two days or three days..."

"Mother, what do you mean? Do you want to stay for a few days?" Qin An asked puzzled.

"Mother is thinking about moving here in the future and living directly with your eldest...

Look at how nice you are in the county town. The house is so big and there are so many rooms. Your father and I can live here if we move here.

There are still servants in the mansion to serve you, so how good it is not to bother you?

The most important thing is that my mother thinks that the county town is really good, and it would be great if I can live here.

Now you have all moved out of the old house, it is very empty, mother and your father live together and it is strangely lonely, so I want to live with your eldest! "

After hearing Yin Cuihua's words, Qin An frowned.It was only now that I figured it out. It turned out that his mother didn't come to the county today to see how their eldest family lived, but she just wanted to come here directly and live with their eldest family in the future!

Compared with Qin An, he is naturally not happy!

He knows what kind of temperament he is, he is just a troublemaker!

If his mother is allowed to stay, the quietness of their big room must not be disturbed.

(End of this chapter)

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