Chapter 1302

Before Yin Cuihua went to the county seat, she mentioned this matter in front of Qin Kui.

After talking about it, they all moved to the county town to live in a good life, and also said that the big house will definitely agree to this matter, the probability is very high, let Qin Kui stay at home, and wait for her to come back to pick him up!
That's why Qin Kui was so happy and excited when he saw Yin Cuihua come back.

Now facing Qin Kui's expectant eyes, Yin Cuihua suddenly didn't know what to say, maybe she felt a little unable to face Qin Kui.

Who made her boast in the first place?

If you talk well, not like now, then you won't be embarrassed by Qin Kui's question!

Seeing that Yin Cuihua was silent, Qin Kui frowned and continued to ask, "Mother, why are you silent? Tell me quickly, can we move to the city now?
Life in the country is really hard, staying in the house every day is boring to death!If we can live in the county town, we will definitely be happier than we are in the countryside! "

Qin Kui missed the time when he was studying in the past. Although it was a bit bitter and tiring while studying, at least he could eat and drink well every day, and he could sneak out to play, anyway, it was much better than staying in the country.

The smile on the corner of Yin Cuihua's mouth was a little awkward, she took Qin Kui's hand and said, "That...Lao Liu, mother has something to tell you..."

"Mom, just tell me what's going on!"

"We can't live with your elder brother and sister-in-law for the time being!"

"Why? Mother, didn't you say that you would pick me up to live in this time when you came back? Why do you say you can't live in now?" Qin Kui suddenly became anxious.

"Why else? Brother and sister-in-law don't agree!" Qin Sheng interrupted and told Qin Kui the truth. He didn't know what his mother was hiding, so he just explained the situation directly!
After hearing Qin Sheng's words, Qin Kui was stunned, looked at Yin Cuihua, a little unhappy, "Mother, didn't you say that there should be no problem with the big brother and sister-in-law, and let us do it? Why don't you let us go there now?" Live? What's going on here?"

"Hey, this is not your sister-in-law, what if we don't agree to let us live there? What an unfilial thing..." Yin Cuihua complained with a somewhat unsightly expression.

Qin Kui was dumbfounded, "Mom, so we can't live in the county?"


"Woooooo..." Qin Kui burst into tears.

Not being able to live in the county town meant that he would have to live in the countryside all the time, and he could hardly bear this boring life, and Qin Kui felt that he was going to collapse if it continued.

Seeing Qin Kui crying, Yin Cuihua was a little at a loss, and hurriedly asked Qin Kui, "I said, Lao Liu, why are you crying? Why are you crying so well?"

"Mother, you lied, saying that we can live in the county town, but now we can't!"

Yin Cuihua had a bitter face, and said helplessly, "Lao Liu, mother didn't mean to lie to you, didn't your elder brother and sister-in-law disagree? What can mother do?"

Qin Kui continued to cry, "I don't care, anyway, mother, you just didn't do what you said, and you lied to me!"

The reason why Qin Kui cried so sad was purely because his expectations were too high.

No hope and no disappointment!

If Yin Cuihua hadn't said anything, Qin Kui wouldn't have wanted to live in the county town.

Yin Cuihua provoked hope, but now the hope has come to nothing, can he not be sad?

(End of this chapter)

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