Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1303 Tell the truth

Chapter 1303 Tell the truth

"Old Six, why are you still crying?" Seeing Qin Kui crying like this, Yin Cuihua became more and more at a loss, as if she had done something to offend Qin Kui.

Qin Kui cried a few times, "Mom, I don't want to live in the village, I want to live in the county town!"

Yin Cuihua's face was full of embarrassment, knowing that this matter would not work, but if the truth was told, her sixth son would definitely continue to cry, so she comforted her, "Okay, old sixth, don't cry, mother will go back later. Your elder brother and sister-in-law can talk about it, right?"

Qin Kui sobbed a few times, but he didn't cry as much as before. "Mom, what you said is true?"

"Then can there be a fake?"

"Mother, then it's settled, you must talk to your eldest brother and sister-in-law!"

"Don't worry, mother will definitely talk about it later!"

Yin Cuihua was reconciled, and she also thought about continuing to talk to Dafang and let her live there. After all, life in the countryside is really not easy.

Only then did Qin Kui stop crying, and did not continue to make noise.

Seeing Qin Kui's appearance, Qin Sheng couldn't help but rolled his eyes and complained, "It's embarrassing to have such a virtue, a big man is crying about this!"

Qin Sheng was a little embarrassed to say that Qin Kui was his biological brother, and felt ashamed of him.

Of course, his sixth brother was spoiled by his mother, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

It is rare for Qin Fang to maintain a united front with Qin Sheng, "Yeah, the sixth brother is so worthless like this. But then again, sixth brother, you should be mentally prepared, the eldest brother and sister-in-law will definitely not agree with you to live there, you can Don't forget that you stole the chicken from your elder brother and sister-in-law's house. Could they be so nice and let you live there?
Haha, it's fine if I don't want to settle accounts with you, but you're still thinking about this. "

When Qin Fang said this, Qin Kui was stunned for a few seconds, but knowing that Qin Fang was telling the truth, he managed to stop his tears, and now he continued to cry.

Yin Cuihua glared at Qin Fang angrily, and yelled at Qin Fang, "I said, third child, can you shut up that stinky mouth of yours? If you don't say a few words, you will die?"

It was hard to coax Lao Liu, but because of what Lao San said, Lao Liu started crying again, making her head hurt from the noise.

Qin Fang stuck out his tongue, "Mother, I'm just telling the truth, and if I tell the truth, why don't you tell others? You are obviously fooling the sixth brother. If you fooled me today, won't you be able to hide it in the future? Why bother!"

Yin Cuihua was almost half-dead, walked up to Qin Fang, and twisted Qin Fang's arm hard.

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a dead person!"

Qin Fang screamed in pain, yelling, "It hurts, it hurts, mother, it hurts me to death, why are you so cruel? Woooooo... It hurts me to death!"

Yin Cuihua didn't let go of her hand, but said, "Don't you like talking with your mouth? Keep talking, and if you talk about my wife, I will beat you and teach you a lesson. Let's see if you dare!"

Qin Fang was punished, so he dared to talk too much.

It's just that this world is irrational. After all, he is also his mother's son. How could he treat him so cruelly?

Seeing Qin Fang shut up, Yin Cuihua let go, glared at Qin Fang, then turned to coax Qin Kui, "Okay, okay, old six, don't listen to your third brother's nonsense."

(End of this chapter)

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