Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1304 Take the initiative to help move things

Chapter 1304 Take the initiative to help move things

Qin Kui couldn't listen to Yin Cuihua's words this time, and cried, "Mother, the third brother is right. I stole the chicken from the eldest brother's house before, and the eldest brother definitely doesn't want me to live there."

Yin Cuihua was a little confused, she glared at Qin Fang, and blamed the third child!

If it weren't for the third child, would it have come to this point?
This bastard, he must beat her to death later.

"Mother, do you still want the things in the car?" Su Qingyao greeted.

Yin Cuihua didn't move all the things she brought back, so could it be that she was expected to move them?
Su Qingyao thought that she was not so kind, and it was the best of humanity to be able to send Yin Cuihua to the county and bring her back.

"Fifth daughter-in-law, can't you help me move it? My bones are almost falling apart, how can I have the strength to move it?" Yin Cuihua curled her lips.

Before Su Qingyao could reply, Qin Sheng stood in front of Su Qingyao and said, "Mother, your bones are falling apart, and my wife's bones are falling apart too?

Everyone has driven so many roads together, who is not very tired?

Don't you say that these things are for the sixth brother to eat, then let the sixth brother come and move them!He's a big man, so can't he just move something? "

Yin Cuihua was naturally distressed and reluctant to let her youngest son work.But after hearing what Qin Sheng said, Yin Cuihua remembered so many things she had brought back.

So Yin Cuihua greeted Qin Kui immediately, "Lao Liu, don't be sad, mother brought you a lot of food in the county town!
Come, take a look, these things are all valuable, there are none in this town!
Mother also brought you a roast duck, a roast chicken, and other meat dishes. Mother packed a lot of them for you at your eldest brother and sister-in-law's house, and brought them back. Try them? "

Qin Kui, who was still sad at first, stopped crying after hearing what Yin Cuihua said, looked at Yin Cuihua, and asked, "Mother, is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. It's in the carriage of your fifth elder brother and fifth sister-in-law. Sixth, you can move it. After moving it, mother will take it to the kitchen and heat it up for you to eat."

Qin Kui was too lazy to move, looked at Yin Cuihua and said, "Mom, I don't want to move, you can move it!"

Yin Cuihua twitched the corner of her mouth in embarrassment and said, "Lao Liu, my mother's bones are not feeling well, why don't you go and move it?"

Qin Kui shook his head, and said with a displeased expression, "Mother, look at me, how can someone with thin arms and legs get so much strength to move it? I can't move it at all. You should go, mother. His strength is greater than mine!"

After listening to Qin Kui's words, Qin Sheng's disdain for Qin Sheng became stronger.

His sixth younger brother is worthless!A big man doesn't have the responsibility and appearance of a man at all, and he doesn't know why his mother dotes on Qin Kui so much.The other sons are not filial Yin Cuihua can talk about it for a long time, but Qin Kui is not filial, Yin Cuihua can't even fart.

Seeing that Qin Kui was not happy, Yin Cuihua felt a little helpless.If Qin Kui can't be manipulated, no matter how tired he is, why can't he grit his teeth and do it?

"Hey..." Yin Cuihua sighed slightly, and was about to move things.

When Qin Fang saw it, he immediately leaned forward courteously, "Mother, you can't move the heavy things, so let me help you move them! I'm a big man stronger than you, and I won't be as hypocritical and weak as the sixth brother."

If it was in the past, Qin Fang would definitely not take the initiative to work.

(End of this chapter)

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