Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1308 Qin Fang's Stinky Feet

Chapter 1308 Qin Fang's Stinky Feet

Qin Fang's feet hadn't been washed for an unknown number of days, and the stench was so strong that it almost killed people.

Qin Sheng was a little nauseous. He used to think that his feet were stinky enough, but now that he met his third brother, he realized what it means to have mountains beyond mountains and people beyond people.

Compared with Qin Fang's smelly feet, it's just nothing.

Su Qingyao also asked about the smell of Qin Fang's feet, and pinched her nose in disgust.

On the surface, Qin Fang looks innocent and gentle, but why are his feet so smelly?
Several other people in the yard were also smoked.

People like Su Qingyao and Shen Shi are relatively kind. Even though they knew about Qin Fang's foot odor, they didn't say it directly.

Qin Kui pinched his nose, and said to Qin Fang full of disgust, "Third brother, your feet are too smelly, right? Put on your shoes quickly, don't smoke us!"

Qin Fang glared at Qin Kui angrily, "Sixth brother, why are you talking? Didn't you see your third brother's ankle twisted? No matter how stinky you are, you have to bear it!"

After Qin Fang finished speaking, he was too lazy to talk to Qin Kui, but checked the injury on his ankle.

After picking up the trousers, I saw a big swelling on the ankle, and the injury was not serious.

No wonder it hurts so much!
If the swollen area doesn't subside, it will probably continue to hurt, Qin Fang doesn't want to continue to make mistakes.

So Qin Fang greeted Cao, "Daughter-in-law, come here and help me push my feet! I'm dying of pain! If you don't help me push my feet, I won't get better! I can't even walk when I turn around!"

Cao Shi also pinched her nose, and replied with some disgust, "Don't push, your feet are too smelly, it will kill you, if I push it for you, I will also be smoked to death?"

Qin Fang was very angry when he heard this, "You stinky bitch, after all, I am your man, right? Are you so cruel that you don't care about your own man?"

Cao Shi curled her lips, "I don't want to care about you? It's obvious that your feet are too smelly, what can I do? If your feet are not so smelly, I guess I can rub them for you!"

Qin Kui followed Cao's back and said, "Yes, third brother, don't make things difficult for third sister-in-law if you want me to see you, who can stand your stinky feet.

Anyway, if it were me, it would be impossible for me to rub it for you! "

Cao Shi pinched her nose and continued to dislike, "Sir, it really smells so bad, could it be that you didn't smell it yourself?"

Qin Fang felt that he had been insulted, and his heart ached.

"Okay, okay, I won't let you rub it, it's true!" Qin Fang said, putting on his shoes angrily.

Anyway, his feet won't heal, he can't move, so why not let Mrs. Cao serve him?

Then let her wait a little longer!

At this time, Yin Cuihua finally moved her things, picked out a few good ones, and said to Qin Kui, "How is it, old six? Are you hungry?"

Qin Kui originally wanted to say that he wasn't hungry, but in fact he was smoked by Qin Fang, and he felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

But if you think about something delicious, let's eat something, he hasn't eaten something good for a long time!Qin Fang put on his shoes now, and the stench in the air will surely dissipate later, so he said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, go and make me something to eat!"

"Okay, mother will make you a roast chicken, it's delicious!"

"En!" Qin Kui responded, thinking of the taste of the chicken, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"Well, mother, I'm hungry too, and I've been hurt by a fall, please get me something to eat too!" Qin Fang said to Yin Cuihua with eyes full of expectation.

(End of this chapter)

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