Chapter 1309
Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Fang lightly, "Leave the food for your sixth brother, what are you eating, no!"

"Mom, why are you so biased? I helped you move things just now, and I feel sorry for you not letting you work, so what if you give me something to eat?" Qin Fang said sadly.

Yin Cuihua glared at Qin Fang dissatisfied, "How dare you say that, brat? Look at what good things you have done? You said you helped me, but what happened? You only moved a few things and fell down , I don’t blame you for breaking my things. You still have the nerve to come to me and ask for food? Where’s your face?”

Qin Fang bit his lower lip, and said unwillingly, "Mother... you brought so many things back, so what if you give me a little bit to eat, can't you give me a little less? With so many things, you just want to share with the sixth brother. If you eat it together for many days, you won’t be able to finish it. If you can’t eat it, it will be spoiled and wasted. Why can’t you give me some food..."

Yin Cuihua was a little annoyed by Qin Fang's yelling, so she had to say, "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, I'll give you something to eat later, okay?

Such a big person is still bickering, so slanderous!Our Qin family belongs to you, it's better to be lazy! "

Su Qingyao listened from the sidelines, and rarely agreed with what Yin Cuihua said.

This Qin family indeed belonged to Qin Fang who was the best lazy.

However, Qin Fang didn't take Yin Cuihua's abuse to heart. Instead, he was very happy because Yin Cuihua agreed to give him something to eat.

As long as there is something to eat, he can scold him. Anyway, he is used to being scolded on weekdays, so it doesn't matter at all.

"Hey, mom, you're so kind!" Qin Fang flattered her.

Yin Cuihua rolled her eyes, full of disgust for Qin Fang.

"Mother, go get some hot food!" Qin Fang urged impatiently.

Qin Kui couldn't help but said, "Mother, go quickly!"

Yin Cuihua got into the kitchen, and the heat was ready in a short while.These things brought back are cooked food, just warm them up a little.

Yin Cuihua brought out two bowls, one to Qin Fang and the other to Qin Kui.

However, Qin Fang and Qin Kui, who are also Yin Cuihua's sons, are treated completely differently.

Qin Kui saw chicken legs and wings, but Qin Fang's bowl was filled with meat from the back of the chicken. There was only a chicken skeleton, and there was not much meat to eat at all.

Qin Fang looked at what was in his own bowl and then at what was in Qin Kui's bowl, feeling unbalanced.

Yin Cuihua also seemed to see Qin Fang's thoughts, so she snorted softly and said to Qin Fang, "What? You still don't like it, do you despise it? If you don't eat it, don't eat it. I'm not willing to give it to you brat!"

It is better to eat more than not to eat.Especially meat, Qin Fang has no reason to dislike it.

So Qin Fang quickly snatched the bowl from Yin Cuihua's hand, and said to Yin Cuihua with a smile, "Mother, what are you talking about? How could I dislike it?

Come, give me, let me eat!hey-hey! "

Qin Fang held the bowl and smelled it a few times before sighing, "Mother, this roast chicken is really delicious!"

Qin Kui also sighed, "Well, it's really delicious. I've never smelled such a fragrant chicken!"

Yin Cuihua raised the corners of her mouth and replied, "Of course it is delicious. It was made by the cook in your elder brother's kitchen. I heard from your elder brother that this cook was specially invited back from the big restaurant by girl Yu'er. If you pay a high price, can the things you make not smell good?"

(End of this chapter)

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