Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1312 Lele is a little bitch

Chapter 1312 Lele is a little bitch
At this time, Su Qingyao was indeed a little tired, so she nodded in response!
"Okay, go back!"

"Okay! Daughter-in-law, get in the car!"


Qin Sheng drove the carriage, Su Qingyao sat in the back, and arrived at his home in a short while.

As soon as Su Qingyao went back, Lele rushed over immediately.

It was inconvenient to go to the county seat, so Su Qingyao didn't bring Lele there, but Lele's food and drink were handed over to Shen.

Although she was not at home, Lele stayed at home, except for going to Shen's for dinner, she was unwilling to go there at other times.

Lele threw herself on Su Qingyao's body, licking Su Qingyao's hand, while wagging her tail happily.

It was only a day before Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng left, but seeing Lele being so "missing" to her, Su Qingyao couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

If I had known earlier, I would not have left Lele alone at home, and would take Lele with me wherever I went.

Seeing that Lele was making out with Su Qingyao but not with himself, Qin Sheng couldn't help feeling a little sad.After glancing at his mouth, he looked at Lele and complained, "You little heartless thing, in fact, I didn't give you less to eat. You know how to rub on my wife's body, so you don't come to rub me! Humph , don’t expect me to get you something to eat in the future!”

Su Qingyao was a little speechless, and gave Qin Cheng a blank look, "You are so naive, what are you fussing about with a dog?"

"Daughter-in-law, I'm also very good to it. It only thinks about you and not about me. I just feel unhappy."

Su Qingyao twitched the corners of her mouth, "I can't help it. I am loved by everyone, and the flowers bloom when I see them. Even the dogs like me when they see them."

"Daughter-in-law, hehe, look at you, you are also narcissistic. If you ask me, it should be Lele who is lustful. This lecherous dog likes women!" After Qin Sheng finished speaking, his sizing eyes fell on Lele, as if he was in defense. Like a rival in love, she began to guard against Lele, and some were not happy about Su Qingyao and Lele getting close.

Su Qingyao knocked on Qin Sheng's head, "You bastard, what are you thinking? Lele is a female, not a little male dog!"

Hearing Su Qingyao's words, Qin Sheng's eyes flashed with shock, and he asked Su Qingyao in surprise, "Ah? Daughter-in-law, what are you talking about? Lele belongs to the mother?"

"Yeah, you don't know until now, do you?" Su Qingyao sighed.

Anyway, Lele has been raised at home for a long time, but Qin Sheng, the master, hasn't noticed Lele's gender yet?

Qin Sheng grinned, "Daughter-in-law, I always thought Lele was male! You see Lele is so big, so strong and strong, she doesn't look like a little bitch. A bitch shouldn't be like Lele ? Smaller, thinner?"

What Qin Sheng said should be the public's understanding, thinking that the thinner dog will be a female dog, and the bigger dog will be a male dog.

Although Su Qingyao was curious about why Lele could grow up strong as a bitch, in fact, Lele was indeed a little bitch.

"You can tell the gender of a person, but these cats and dogs can't be distinguished in this way, you have to look at the bottom of them.

Qin Sheng, you said that you are good to Lele, but I still don't care about it. You don't even know whether Lele is a male or a bitch. No wonder Lele and you are not so close! " Su Qingyao said with a smile.

Qin Sheng seemed to be in disbelief, "Daughter-in-law, you didn't lie to me, did you? Let me see if Lele is a male dog or a bitch!"

With that said, Qin Sheng greeted Lele, "Lele, come here!"

(End of this chapter)

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