Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1313 The man who came to discuss business

Chapter 1313 The man who came to discuss business

Although he didn't know what Qin Sheng was going to do, but Qin Sheng was his own master after all. Hearing Qin Sheng's call, Lele still obediently approached Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng picked up Lele and made a gesture to look at Lele's bottom.

When Su Qingyao saw it, she hurriedly stopped her, "Qin Sheng, what are you doing?"

Qin Sheng chuckled, "Daughter-in-law, of course I should look under Lele to confirm whether Lele is male or female!"

The corner of Su Qingyao's mouth twitched violently, and she looked at Qin Sheng with increasingly disgusted eyes, "Qin Sheng, are you still shameless? Let go of Lele!"

"Daughter-in-law, why am I shameless?"

"Lele is a bitch. It's wrong for you to do this. After looking at its bottom, how will it get along in the dog circle in the future? Besides, Lele is a little bitch. You will definitely be shy when you see it!"

After listening to Su Qingyao's words, Qin Sheng felt that what Su Qingyao said made sense, so he nodded in response.But then he immediately felt something was wrong, "Daughter-in-law, Lele is just a dog. Can a dog have so many rich thoughts? Can they understand this?"

"What's wrong with the dog? Can't you understand this? Look at Lele and Yuanbao, aren't they both pretty smart?"

Qin Sheng nodded in response, "Yes, daughter-in-law, Lele and Yuanbao are really smart."

"So don't read it!"

"Okay then, let's not watch Lele!" Qin Sheng chuckled, but thought that Lele was a little bitch, still felt a little novel.

But that was a good thing, too. If a male dog was so affectionate with his wife, he would suspect that he had some purpose.

Su Qingyao touched Lele's head a few times, and played with Lele for a while.

Qin Sheng took the things he brought back from the county town out of the carriage and put them in the house.

I didn't cook at noon, so I ate some of the things I brought back and filled my stomach.

In the afternoon, several people took a rest together.

In the past two days, I have been traveling back and forth, and went shopping in the county town. I spent a lot of energy. Now I just feel very tired. After a nap, I regained a little energy.

The next day, Su Qingyao divided up the things she brought from the county and sent some to Wang Jinlan, which made Wang Jinlan flattered and overjoyed.

The days went on like this, but the supply of soap and toothpaste became increasingly scarce.

Su Qingyao had no choice but to think about how to find reliable people to help.

On this day, a man came to Su Qingyao's shop.

"Are you the owner of this soap shop?" A man in a gray coat asked Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng glanced at the man in the black coat lightly, and replied, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

The man in the gray coat raised his head, and said to Qin Sheng with a superior and defiant attitude, "My surname is Yao, you can call me Boss Yao, I came here to discuss business with you!"

Boss Yao's attitude displeased Qin Sheng a little.

What he hates most is when people talk to him and put on a high posture, as if they are some kind of extraordinary person.

Qin Sheng frowned slightly, and continued to reply flatly, "I'm not the owner of the shop, but my wife is. If you have anything to say, go talk to her!"

Boss Yao was a little surprised. Generally, the owners of shops are men, unless they are run by women when there are no men.

Unexpectedly, Qin Sheng, a big man, would hand over the shop to his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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