Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1332 Let Brother 4 Marry

Chapter 1332 Let the fourth brother marry
As Xi Po spoke, she beckoned to the people who came with her to bring the things down.

Seeing so many good things, Yin Cuihua grinned from ear to ear while expressing emotion.

The villagers on the side were even more envious when they saw it.

When someone wants to marry a wife, the Zhao family is really rich, and this is the first time I've seen her as a woman.

Now the Qin family is really in need of money, just looking at the betrothal gifts that were hired, they can earn a lot of money if they are sold.

Yin Cuihua deliberately pretended to be polite and said, "Oh, Miss Zhao, why are you being so polite? This kind of thing should be hired by our man, why is your woman here to hire you? How embarrassing. !"

After Yin Cuihua finished speaking, Zhao Hongxiu said with some embarrassment, "Auntie, I should give this betrothal gift!"

"You are a woman, why is it your turn to hire?"

"Aunt...that's how it is. I wanted to let the fourth brother marry into our Zhao family, so it was our Zhao family who came to hire me!"

After hearing this, Yin Cuihua opened her mouth, unable to recover.


"This time I want to let the fourth brother marry!" Zhao Hongxiu reiterated.

Although Yin Cuihua knew that Zhao Hongxiu was good, and that it was a blessing for the Qin family that the fourth child was with Zhao Hongxiu, but when Zhao Hongxiu said that the fourth child would marry her, Zhao Hongxiu felt that she still couldn't accept it.

Maybe any mother would not be able to accept her son marrying someone else, right?
In the countryside, if someone's son married into a family and told the woman's words, it would be laughed at by others.

Basically, when the man gets married, he has no money and the family is very poor. He will choose to marry if he has no choice. If he has a choice, he will definitely not choose to marry.

Yin Cuihua could already imagine what others would say when the fourth child married into the Zhao family, and she would definitely say some ugly things.

Even for a rich family like the Zhao family, it always feels a bit weird to let the fourth son of her family marry in.

Seeing Yin Cuihua hesitate, Zhao Hongxiu also frowned slightly, worry emerged in her heart.

She knew it wasn't going so well.

Generally, the man's family is very reluctant to let the man in the family marry.

On the one hand, Yin Cuihua didn't want the fourth child to marry into the Zhao family, but on the other hand, she was reluctant to part with so many betrothal gifts from the Zhao family.

If she disagreed, it would be difficult for the fourth child to marry a daughter-in-law in the future, and she would not be able to climb up to Zhao Hongxiu, and her wife would not have a good life in the future.

Just when Yin Cuihua was struggling, there were some ironic voices from around, and some people who looked down on the goodness of the Qin family made a deliberate sarcasm, "It's just that how could the young lady marry into the Qin family willingly, and the Qin family is in our village. Those who are poor are ranked first! It turns out that they don't want to marry, but just want the fourth son of the Qin family to marry!"

"It's no wonder that it's not enough to marry into a family. As long as the family is not poor, who would be willing to let his son be the son-in-law! When he comes to someone else's house, he will be his own, tsk tsk tsk, raised by hard work How could my son be willing to give it to someone else!"

"Only those who can't live well will become the son-in-law. Isn't the Qin family very prosperous these days? Is it possible that the fourth son of the Qin family will go to the Zhao family to be the son-in-law?"

"Such a shameful thing, if it were me, I would be reluctant to let my son marry someone else!"

(End of this chapter)

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