Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1333 Can't Be Fooled

Chapter 1333 Can't Be Fooled
"Sister-in-law of the Qin family, you can't send your son out for money, right? That's not okay, anyway, Qin Qi is your own son, and for the face of the Qin family, you can't let your fourth son come to someone's door !"


Yin Cuihua's heart was shaken even more by the laughter around her.

Hey...Although she wants to live a good life, Yin Cuihua still doesn't want others to talk about it.

Staying in the village, even if you can eat and drink well every day, and feel at ease, if you are laughed at by these bad-mouthed women, you will still feel uncomfortable and feel that you can't live your life.

When Yin Cuihua was struggling, Qin Sheng and Su Qingyao rushed over after hearing that Zhao Hongxiu came to the Qin family to propose a marriage.

Su Qingyao wanted to see how this matter was progressing, and if there was any need for help, she could help.

After all, for Yin Cuihua, Su Qingyao felt that this old woman had a lot of things to do, so what if something happened to make things difficult for Zhao Hongxiu.

I didn't expect to rush over and heard the villagers talking about the fourth brother's marriage.

Most of the villagers do not support the matter of the fourth brother getting married, and think it is a shame for a man to marry.

Of course, Su Qingyao still smelled a sour smell from the villagers' discussions.

Yin Cuihua is a person who is easily swayed by other people's words, and often has no opinions.

After listening to the comments from the people around her, Su Qingyao was also very worried that Yin Cuihua would disagree with this matter, so she stood up and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, it's okay for me to see that the fourth brother is married. There are so many of us in the Qin family. There is not only one son, the eldest brother and sister-in-law have already given birth to a son. In other words, our Qin family has inherited, so there is no need for the fourth brother to bear the responsibility of carrying on the family line.

The fourth brother is still not married at this age, if sister Hong is not willing to marry, I am afraid that there is not much hope for marrying a daughter-in-law.Compared with not even having a daughter-in-law, it is obviously good to be a bachelor and become a married woman.

The conditions of the Zhao family are so good, and the fourth brother didn't come to the door to be wronged like Biren in the past.Sister Hong can still treat fourth brother well.

Isn't the most hopeful thing for parents is that their children can live well?Is it so important to bring the wife back or let the son marry? "

Su Qingyao told Yin Cuihua what she said, and at the same time told other people around to join in the fun.

After saying this, Su Qingyao leaned closer to Yin Cuihua's ear and whispered, "Mother, don't listen to the nonsense of those bad-mouthed women in our village, they just don't want our Qin family to live a good life. This is going to be like Sister Hong, the custodians are rushing to send their sons to marry. Don't be fooled by them, they really won't let the fourth brother marry.

Besides, this day is your own, as long as you live a good life, you don't care what to do, don't you think? "

Together with Shen Shi, who was not much talkative, she also persuaded, "Mother, I don't think there is anything wrong with being married. It's not that there are no married people these days. As long as the future is easier, there is no difference between being married and not being married. Why bother so much?" isn't it?"

Yin Cuihua felt that what Su Qingyao and Shen said made sense.

She was so poor that she didn't want to live a hard life anymore.

If you miss this opportunity today, it will be gone.

If he pays attention to those bad-mouthed women in the village, he will be the only one who suffers.

(End of this chapter)

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