Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1334 Buy her a house in the county

Chapter 1334 Buy her a house in the county
After weighing it in her heart, Yin Cuihua was ready to nod her head in agreement.

Before agreeing, Yin Cuihua didn't miss the opportunity and decided to ask for a little more favor.

Yin Cuihua rolled her eyes, and said to Zhao Hongxiu, "Miss Zhao, you heard it too. When a man gets married, people will gossip about it. I am very embarrassed."

Zhao Hongxiu was a little discouraged, it seemed that today's marriage would not work out.

Zhao Hongxiu can understand that it is really difficult to get people to agree to things like being married.

If it really doesn't work, she will think of a way, and if she can't think of another way, she has to consider marrying the fourth brother directly and not letting the fourth brother marry.

But if she does this, she will definitely have to let go of part of the business at the Zhao family's end, and there are still many things to hand over in the future.

However, Yin Cuihua added the next sentence, "However, if Miss Zhao agrees to one condition, then I can agree..."

Zhao Hongxiu froze for a moment, then looked at Yin Cuihua.

So, there is a turning point in this matter?As long as Yin Cuihua's request is not too excessive, Zhao Hongxiu thinks she can agree.

Su Qingyao frowned, looking at the calculation in Yin Cuihua's eyes, she always felt that nothing good happened.

Based on Su Qingyao's understanding of Yin Cuihua, it is estimated that Yin Cuihua wanted to ask Zhao Hongxiu to blackmail something.

Although Zhao Hongxiu's family is quite rich, they can't just want to take advantage of others because of this, right?

If it wasn't for Fourth Brother, Zhao Hongxiu wouldn't have done so much.

According to the marriage of ordinary people, it is estimated that a dozen taels or twenty taels of silver is enough, but looking at the things Zhao Hongxiu brought over today, it is more than that much money, and it is estimated that these things are enough to add up to several hundred taels .

But just like that, Yin Cuihua still wanted to get something out of the middle, and she didn't know how to be satisfied at all.

Zhao Hongxiu still replied politely, and said to Yin Cuihua, "Auntie, if you have any requests, you can say whatever you want, just ask!"

Yin Cuihua suppressed the joy in her heart, and said with a smile, "Actually, my request is nothing, it must be easy for your Zhao family to do it.

I just want your Zhao family to go back and help me buy a house in the county. It doesn’t need to be too big, it’s enough to have a dozen or so rooms, and then invite two servants to take care of me and my old man and give us money every year. Just send some pension money. "

Yin Cuihua thought that since the big house couldn't live there, and the county town was better than the countryside, it would be best if Zhao Hongxiu could buy him a house.

In this way, she doesn't have to envy Dafang who can live in the county town and lead the sixth child to live a good life.

If you tell Lao Liu about this, Lao Liu will definitely be happy.

The most important thing is that the fourth child of her family is married. Looking back, these bad-mouthed women in the village will continue to say some nasty things. They live directly in the county town instead of staying in the countryside. This can save these people's gossip and let them be quiet. quiet.

After Yin Cuihua finished speaking, Su Qingyao frowned.

I knew that Yin Cuihua's request was nothing good, but I didn't expect it to be so!
How dare this old woman open her mouth to tell you.

Su Qingyao glanced at Zhao Hongxiu to see Zhao Hongxiu's reaction.

Zhao Hongxiu's expression was calm, and she didn't feel like there was anything wrong.

Su Qingyao was afraid that Zhao Hongxiu was stupid and had a lot of money, so she really agreed to Yin Cuihua's rude request, and immediately helped Zhao Hongxiu defend a few words.

(End of this chapter)

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