Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1335 of course

Chapter 1335 of course
"Mother, isn't your request too much?"

Yin Cuihua also frowned, looking at Su Qingyao displeased.

This old fifth daughter-in-law is a master of things, and likes to get involved in everything.Zhao Hongxiu didn't say anything at all, she said no, but she jumped out to speak up.

"Why is it too much? My request is nothing, right? The Zhao family is so rich, they can sell a house in the county town casually. Naturally, if the Zhao family can't afford it, I won't make this request.

It's not impossible not to buy me a house in the county, then your father and I will defect to Zhao's residence.

After all, we are outsiders, and how can we help the young couple to be clean? Isn't it for their consideration to buy me another place to live?

It's not impossible if you don't agree, just don't dislike my old lady when you live in Zhao's mansion in the future! "

Su Qingyao felt that what Yin Cuihua said was a little inexplicable, and she felt funny and turned back.

"Mother, what are you talking about? Since the fourth brother is allowed to marry in, he is a family member. When a woman is married, and the married woman splashes water, you don't have to worry about the affairs of her natal family. Since the fourth brother As a married man, the responsibility for the care of you and your mother will naturally not fall on him, but will be shared equally by the other sons.

You are still counting on the fourth brother and sister Hong to take care of you in the future, are you still letting the fourth brother marry?

Besides, Sister Hong also brought a lot of good things to our family today, right?Adding all these together, if other men are allowed to marry, there will be dozens of them. How dare you ask Sister Hong to ask for this and that? "

After Su Qingyao finished speaking, ironic laughter came from around, "This Mrs. Qin just wants to take advantage of it. If someone wants her fourth child, what a disadvantage? Expecting a son who has married into someone else's family to take care of him, Why don't you see her live at the eldest son's house?

In my opinion, it is purely wanting to bully people and extort money! "

"Haha, she really treats his fourth son as a treasure, how can it be so valuable!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's right, how dare you say such words that come out of your mouth!"

"Miss Zhao is really pitiful. Is it worth spending so much money to recruit a man back?"

Yin Cuihua also ignored the ridicule of Su Qingyao and the people around her, but continued with a cheeky face, "I naturally have my own considerations for doing this. The fourth child is my newborn child. I am pregnant in October, and it is also a good idea to raise him." It's not easy!

Isn't it impossible to live in the old family's house? After one of my sons becomes a married man, I will lose face staying in the village, so I must have a place to live elsewhere. Isn't this why I want to have a house?
My old lady is getting old. Although your father's illness has improved a little, he has been paralyzed on the bed and needs someone to take care of him.I'm old enough to wait on you, so it's not too much to ask for two servants, right? "

When Su Qingyao was about to say something, Zhao Hongxiu stopped Su Qingyao.

In fact, this request was really nothing to Zhao Hongxiu.

She doesn't pay attention to things that cost hundreds or even thousands of taels of silver at most.

As long as the fourth brother can marry and be with the fourth brother, Zhao Hongxiu feels that she is willing to suffer even a little bit.

Because of the marriage, the fourth brother felt a little guilty towards his parents, and after making arrangements for Yin Cuihua, the guilt in the fourth brother's heart should be made up for.

(End of this chapter)

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