Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1336 Zhao Hongxiu's Request

Chapter 1336 Zhao Hongxiu's Request

Since money can be used, everything is easy to talk about.

Why fight for such a little thing?Zhao Hongxiu knew that Su Qingyao was doing it for her own good and defending her against injustices, but Zhao Hongxiu still felt that it was better not to worry about this matter and just let it go.

"Auntie, I can agree to your request!" Zhao Hongxiu said.

Seeing that Zhao Hongxiu agreed, Su Qingyao didn't say much.

After all, it was Zhao Hongxiu's business, and Zhao Hongxiu had to make up his mind on this matter.

Since she didn't feel anything, she couldn't get involved and stop it.

Although with Su Qingyao's hot temper, she would definitely not agree to this matter.

Yin Cuihua looked at Zhao Hongxiu excitedly and asked, "Miss Zhao, do you really agree?"

In fact, Yin Cuihua didn't have much hope, especially after Su Qingyao blocked her from the middle, she felt that Zhao Hongxiu might not agree, but she didn't expect Zhang Hongxiu to nod.

Zhao Hongxiu continued to respond, "Well, I can satisfy this matter, but I also have a request."

Yin Cuihua frowned slightly and asked, "Miss Zhao, what do you want?"

"My request is that I can provide a house, and I can also give you 20 taels of silver for the expenses of the two elders every year. You can also accept the dowry that was hired today!

But the fourth brother has joined our Zhao family after all, and he is a member of our Zhao family. Before we get married, we should discuss everything clearly.I give these things, you don't need to add any requirements in the future, and then come up with something else.

If you have any difficulties, you have to go to the other sons, instead of putting all the pressure on Sifang. "

Yin Cuihua weighed it in her heart. The betrothal gift Zhao Hongxiu gave this time is estimated to be around a hundred taels of silver. It can also provide a house, and she can also pay 20 taels of silver every year. Basically, she will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life. !

Yin Cuihua is not ignorant, she accepts when she sees something good, if she raises something to annoy Zhao Hongxiu, she will be the one who will suffer if she doesn't stay with his fourth child.

So Yin Cuihua nodded and agreed, "Success!"

"Auntie, in front of so many people, we also have a testimony, we keep our word! Don't go back on your word in the future!"

Yin Cuihua patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, my old lady keeps her word, how could she go back on her word!"

"That's good!"

I really want to go back on my word, Zhao Hongxiu also has a way to deal with it!She can talk easily, but she is not so easy to deal with when people annoy her.

The marriage was settled at this point, Xi Po said a few words with a smile in the middle, and all the betrothal gifts brought over were moved into the Qin family's house.

Yin Cuihua left these people to have a meal, and the villagers who were watching and joining in the fun chatted together and went back separately.

Although Qin Qi joined Zhao's family this time, the big guy was sarcastic in his mouth, but he was very envious in his heart.

Especially Yin Cuihua is more envious.

Everyone in the village is very poor, and few people have even been to the county seat. As a result, the Zhao family directly bought a yard for Yin Cuihua in the county seat and let her live there. This is a blessing that no one can hope for. ah?

Because of the Zhao family, Yin Cuihua will be blessed for the rest of her life!

After discussing the business and having a simple meal, Zhao Hongxiu set off to leave.

Yin Cuihua didn't make much effort to keep her.

As for the day of getting married, it will be the eighth day of next month for the time being. It is an auspicious day, suitable for marriage!

(End of this chapter)

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