Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1337 Qin Fang's Envy and Jealousy

Chapter 1337 Qin Fang's Envy and Jealousy

Yin Cuihua doesn't care much about the marriage, but fantasizes about what Zhao Hongxiu promised her.

If you live in the county town, the days will not be too sour.

Zhao Hongxiu can give 20 taels of silver a year, save some money, and it is estimated that it will not be used up in a year.

There is a house in the county, and there is so much money, the sixth child will not suffer in the future.

The woman before the sixth child had no conscience and ran away.A man can't do without a daughter-in-law, and the sixth child is very "sexy". Yin Cuihua saw Qin Kui secretly doing things in the room by himself more than once.

As a mother, she was heartbroken when she saw it coming naturally, thinking that she would have to marry another daughter-in-law for the sixth child.

However, if Lao Liu marries a daughter-in-law again this time, will he be able to marry an ignorant woman who only cares about enjoying life as before?This time, if the sixth child is marrying a wife, he must marry someone who is sensible and able to live a good life.

If before today, Yin Cuihua didn't have the hope to get the sixth son to marry another daughter-in-law, now that she has this condition, how many women would not be eager to join her?
Yin Cuihua pulled Qin Kui and said happily, "Lao Liu, it's so kind, I couldn't let you live in the county a few days ago, your elder brother and sister-in-law disagreed, and now my mother has won another chance for you.

From now on, we will live in the house in the county town, and we can still be the masters of the house, without having to depend on others. How nice do you think this is?Sixth child, mother means what she says, but she is not a person who breaks her word. "

Qin Kui was naturally very happy after hearing Yin Cuihua's words.

"Mom, when will we move to the county town? I can't wait. Staying in this village is really boring. If I stay any longer, I'll almost be suffocated."

Yin Cuihua smiled and twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "I guess it will be soon, Miss Zhao has the final say on when to move, she helped us buy the house in the county town, and we can only do it when it is settled properly.

Anyway, sooner or later, there is no need to rush, we just wait at home! "

Qin Kui nodded happily and said, "Well, mother, let's just wait!"

As long as you don't stay in this corner of the countryside!

Hearing that there is still 20 taels of silver available for a year, Qin Kui imagined in his mind that he would go to the county town in the future, and if he had nothing to do, he could spend some money to go out and drink!
The girls in the county flower building must be many and beautiful.

He's been miserable these days, he's exhausted, and when he gets to the county town, he has to find a few girls to vent his anger on.

"Lao Six, Miss Zhao, no, the fourth sister-in-law who will come after you will bring you a lot of things, and tonight, mother will cook some delicious food for you to nourish your body." Yin Cuihua felt happy when she saw the good things. abacus.

Although these things are for the Qin family, a large part of them are for the fourth brother. Yin Cuihua said that by doing this, she simply regarded these things as her own, and had no intention of giving them to the fourth brother at all.

Although Su Qingyao thought it was very strange, she held back and didn't intervene.There are too many unpleasant things, and everything has to be mixed up. Doesn't it appear that she is meddling in her own business?

Qin Fang on the side looked really envious.

Thinking about how his fourth brother is far worse than him, is there any reason for a man who "keeps his wife's life" to marry a beautiful and good-looking woman?

Hey, when Zhao Hongxiu came to the Zhao family, he shouldn't have thought of hooking up with Zhao Hongxiu, but it didn't work out.

(End of this chapter)

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