Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1338 Qin Fang is filial

Chapter 1338 Qin Fang is filial
After all, Miss Zhao dislikes her as a man who has already married a wife and has a family.

If he could be single like his fourth brother, he might not be able to hook up with Zhao Hongxiu.

Later, the fourth younger brother married Zhao Hongxiu. Although he was going to be the son-in-law, he would eat soft food, but he could eat spicy food.

If it were him, he would be happy to have a soft meal.

At most, I will be laughed at. Sometimes it is useless for a man to have a backbone. The most important thing is to live a good life and be comfortable.

How many people can't beg for the fact that you lie at home every day without having to do anything and have delicious food and drink?

Let's not talk about the fourth brother for now, not everyone has such a fate, it can only be said that the fourth brother got lucky and climbed up to Zhao Hongxiu.

It was Yin Cuihua and his sixth younger brother who made him very envious.

His mother is so powerful that she asked for a house in the county, so she can help her to live in the county in the future.

The entire Qin family either moved out or built a new house by themselves.

The eldest room, the sixth room, and his parents will live in the town in the future.

The fourth wife moved into the Zhao family and lived in the town.

Wufang built a house by himself, even the Shen family built a house by himself, and lived in a brick house, which was much more comfortable than the broken thatched cottage of the Qin family.

In other words, except for his second brother Qin Han, the entire Qin family will be evacuated, leaving only the third room to guard the dilapidated house.

It's good that the family doesn't have to compare. After such a comparison, Qin Fang's heart is naturally unbalanced.

It would be fine if everyone was living a hard life together, but since the rest of the family had already lived a good life, it would be strange for him to let the third room continue to live such a hard life.

Qin Fang was not reconciled, so grinning, he approached Yin Cuihua with a grin, and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, you and the sixth younger brother will live in the county town in the future, and the house is big, there can be more than a dozen rooms for you There is no room for three people!"

Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Fang lightly, and felt that the third child must have no good intentions when he suddenly came over to say that.

"Yeah, what's the matter? Is it possible that we can't spare a few rooms? The larger the room is, the more spacious and comfortable it is. The smaller the room, the better."

Qin Fang continued to smile flatteringly and said, "Mom, when you and dad move away, I will definitely miss you."

Yin Cuihua only felt that Qin Fang's words were very fake, and she didn't usually see this third child being very filial, but now she ran over and said that, she really thought she was a fool.

Being courteous for nothing means adultery or stealing, Yin Cuihua is even more convinced of Qin Anxin's intentions.

"Old man, do you believe what you say?"

Qin Fang twitched the corners of his mouth, and said awkwardly, "Mother, look at what you said, I am your son, you are my mother, who would not want to be my own mother?"

Yin Cuihua snorted softly, "Come on, don't talk about these things glibly, I don't believe your evil."

"Mother... why are you like this..." Qin Fang couldn't help complaining in his tone.

Hey, it's so irritating to say a few words to please him, but his mother still doesn't want to talk to him.

"You brat, don't come and talk to me if you have nothing to do." Yin Cuihua felt a little disgusted with Qin Fang.

Qin Fang felt his heart was pricked a few more times.

Seeing his mother's different attitude towards himself and his sixth brother, Qin Anxin felt even more depressed.

But Qin Fang was still unwilling to say, "Mother, I actually have something to discuss with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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