Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1339 Want to live together in the county

Chapter 1339 Want to live together in the county
Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Fang.

She knew that the youngest must have something else going on, so she looked at Qin Fang indifferently, and then replied, "What's the matter?"

Qin Fang continued to put on a fawning smile on his face and made a pitiful look in front of Yin Cuihua, "Mother, take a look, our elder brother moved to the county town, and the fifth younger brother and younger sister built a new house I also moved out. Now the second sister-in-law's house is almost finished, and it is estimated that she will move out in a few days.

Now we are the only ones left to live in the old house of our Qin family. When you, your father and the sixth younger brother all move out, won't it be just us three bedrooms?

Hey, there are only a few people in our third room, how pitiful we are all alone.I guess I will still be scared at night, and there will be no popularity in the courtyard without people! "

Yin Cuihua frowned. Although what Qin Fang said was true, Yin Cuihua replied calmly, "So what? We have moved away so many rooms in the Qin family and left them to you as the third bedroom. It shouldn't be Are you happy? Why? You are not happy yet?"

Qin Fang shook his head and pursed his lips and said, "Of course I'm not happy!

Mother, I still think it would be better to live with you!
Anyway, you have so many rooms in the big house in the county town, why don't you let the third room live there too, it doesn't take up space, and the family can be together, so it's very lively.

The most important thing is that I don't have to think about you at home every day after I'm not separated from my mother, mother, are you right? "

Only then did Yin Cuihua realize that the third child had such an idea.

I thought that the third child was just talking about something else, but I didn't expect that the shameless wanted to live with her in the county town, how could such a good thing come.

Yin Cuihua, the third child in the first room, can see clearly that they are not good things, they are lazy, and if they really want to live with them, don't they expect to eat and drink with her?
Although Zhao Hongxiu would give 20 taels of silver for living expenses a year, it would definitely be more nourishing to spend on three people than on seven.

Yin Cuihua only thought about herself and her sixth child, and the people in the other rooms were out of his consideration.

"I said third child, do you have a fever? I am confused?" Yin Cuihua stretched out a paw, and touched Qin's head.

Qin Fang curled his lips and said, "Mother, what are you doing? Why am I so feverish?"

"Then you are shameless, and you have the nerve to say it. You Sanfang, who is lazy and lazy, will live with us. If you go to the county town, you will not be able to eat the whole family.

Let me tell you, there is no way to do this matter, you Sanfang just stay in the village and don't think about those things that are there or not. "Yin Cuihua had a resolute refusal attitude on her face.

Qin Xin was heartbroken, and a little unconvinced, reasoned with Yin Cuihua, "Mother, no matter how our third wife is better than the sixth brother, right?

You don't even say a word about how the sixth brother is, and you know that we are the one who blamed our third room. After all, it's not because of your partiality!Why can't you take our third room with you to live a good life with your sixth brother?
Mother, am I still your own?I really doubt that I picked it up! "

Yin Cuihua stared at Qin Fang and said, "Don't think that my old lady will let you live here just because you say these things.

What's wrong with your mother?Who made your sixth brother the youngest?As an older brother, you should let it go. I am ashamed to compare it with your sixth brother.If you weren't my own son, I wouldn't be willing to feed you for so many years and let you stay at home lazily! "

(End of this chapter)

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