Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1342 Premature Birth

Chapter 1342 Premature Birth
Su Qingyao glanced at Qin Fang with some dissatisfaction.

Hehe, this man, his son's life is his life, but his wife's life is not?
I also didn't see Qin Fang saying that he would keep the Cao family and care about the situation of the Cao family.

Whoever falls for such a man will be unlucky!

After listening to Qin Fang's words, Cao Shi felt at ease.

It's just that right now, I'm also worried about myself and the child in my stomach, and I don't have so much mood and time to argue with Cao Shi.

It would be her disadvantage if she planned too much.

Su Qingyao didn't bother to talk to Qin Fang, but stepped forward to check on Cao's situation.

In any case, in Su Qingyao's view, the adults must be protected first in the case of adults and children.

Children belong to adults, and adults' lives are their own.In the end how to do it, you have to let the adults make the decision, not let other people intervene.

After seeing Cao's situation, Su Qingyao frowned.

The condition of Mrs. Cao is a little serious. I am afraid that the child in her stomach will not be able to keep it, and she will be born prematurely.

As for whether Su Qingyao would survive prematurely, there was no guarantee.

Seeing Su Qingyao's solemn expression, Shen asked worriedly, "Sister Yao, how is the situation? Is there something wrong? Is she serious?"

Qin Fang on the side also anxiously asked, "Yeah, my brother and sister, how is your third sister-in-law? Can the child in my belly be kept? This is my only son, please help me keep it.

Fifth brother and sister, third brother knows that you are very skilled in medicine and should be able to save your eldest nephew, so please try your best to help me! "

Su Qingyao glanced at Qin Fang displeasedly, and reprimanded in a cold voice, "Shut up and get out."

Facing the fierce Su Qingyao, Qin Fang curled his lips and said, "Fifth brother and sister, what are you doing? Why are you being so cruel to me? Isn't it just that the third brother asked you to do me a favor? We are a family, why do you can you do that?"

Seeing Qin Fang chattering dissatisfiedly again, Shen quickly dissuaded her from the sidelines, "Qin Fang, don't talk about it to reassure Miss Yao, she is probably trying to find a way. What did your sister think?"

Although Qin Fang wanted to continue to say something, but thinking of his precious son, Qin Fang decided to put up with Su Qingyao for a while, let her continue to succeed, and settle accounts with Su Qingyao later.

Seeing that Qin Fang had gone out, Su Qingyao told Shen, "Sister Zhu, go and ask my husband to bring a pot of wine, then prepare a pair of scissors for me, and boil a pot of hot water for me."

Although she didn't know what Su Qingyao was going to do, Shen Shi nodded very cooperatively and turned to go out.

Cao asked Su Qingyao nervously, "Third siblings, what happened to me? I won't die, will I?"

Su Qingyao pulled the corner of her mouth and said, "Don't worry, just bear with it, the baby in your stomach is probably born prematurely."

"Ah?" Mrs. Cao was extremely nervous when she heard this.

The child in her womb is only eight months old. If the child is born now, it will have a great impact on the child's body if it is born prematurely for so long.

Generally, premature babies will die if they can't be raised for a long time. Even if they can be raised to survive, it is estimated that there will be problems in a short time.Anyway, the body is definitely weaker than normal people!
Su Qingyao said comfortingly, "Relax now and don't be nervous. The more nervous you are, the more likely you will go wrong. Now that this is the case, there is nothing you can do. It's better to give birth to the child."

(End of this chapter)

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