Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1343 Blood Collapse

Chapter 1343 Blood Collapse
In fact, this is already a blessing in misfortune. Fortunately, the child in the stomach is already eight or nine months old. If the child is younger and born prematurely, there is no chance of resuscitation. At least we can try to revive it now.

If you can survive, you will directly lose your life and come here.

Cao Shi obeyed Su Qingyao's words, and tried to breathe a few breaths to relax herself.

As Su Qingyao said, since there is no other way, she has to face it and accept it. Her current emotional fluctuations are not only hurting the child in her belly, but may also affect herself.

Cao only hoped that nothing serious would happen.

Shen Shi quickly prepared the things according to Su Qingyao's instructions, and Cao Shi was also doing it under Su Qingyao's guidance.

In this way, Mrs. Cao persisted in the room for an hour or two. For Mrs. Cao, Su Qingyao's forehead was covered with beads of sweat because of nervousness.

On the back where no one saw, Su Qingyao's entire back was soaked in sweat, and her entire back was drenched.

Finally, with the efforts of Su Qingyao and Cao Shi, the child showed his head.

Su Qingyao hurriedly cheered up Cao, "Sister-in-law three, the baby's head has come out. If you hurry up and work harder, the baby will be born soon."

Mrs. Cao was already out of breath at this time, and couldn't lift much strength, but she still held her last breath, and after exerting all her strength, the child finally fell down.

Just when Su Qingyao was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she saw Cao's blood collapse.

After seeing it from the side, Shen asked Su Qingyao nervously, "Sister Yao, what should I do now? The blood collapsed, will your third sister-in-law be safe?"

Su Qingyao's face darkened immediately, and she stuffed the child into Shen's hands, then hurried out of the house, and ordered Qin Sheng to bring over the medicinal materials for stopping bleeding at home.

Seeing Su Qingyao coming out, Qin Fang came over anxiously and asked Su Qingyao, "Fifth brother and sister, how is my son? Did you keep it?"

Su Qingyao didn't have the heart to talk to Qin Fang, but she still replied lightly, "The child was born prematurely, but it was born. The child is fine, but something happened to the third sister-in-law. The blood collapsed. The situation is serious, so I have to deal with it quickly. Otherwise, the third sister-in-law's life may not be saved."

When Qin Fang heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he continued to ask Su Qingyao, "How are you doing, third brother and sister? How is it? Is your third sister-in-law giving birth to a son or a daughter?"

Seeing that Qin Fang had listened to her, Su Qingyao didn't care about Cao Shi at all. She knew that Cao Shi had collapsed, but she didn't care at all. Instead, she cared about whether Cao Shi gave birth to a son or a daughter.

Perhaps for a man like Qin Fang, a woman is a machine for giving birth to children, a tool, it doesn't matter if you have it or not, the important thing is the child.

Although she hated Qin Fang very much, and even wanted to clean up Qin Fang, Su Qingyao didn't have that much effort now.

Su Qingyao said in a deep voice, and replied to Qin Fang in displeasure, "I didn't see clearly, I don't know if it's a son or a daughter."

Qin Fang looked at Su Qingyao suspiciously, as if he didn't quite believe what Su Qingyao said, "Since the fifth sibling didn't see clearly, then forget it, I'll go to the room to see if I have given birth to a son or a daughter."

After Qin Fang finished speaking, he was about to enter the third-bedroom house, but Su Qingyao grabbed Qin Fang by the collar and dragged Qin Fang back.

(End of this chapter)

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