Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1344 Ask Yin Cuihua for Ginseng

Chapter 1344 Ask Yin Cuihua for Ginseng

"Fifth brother and sister, what are you doing? Why are you dragging me and not letting me go?" Qin Fang asked displeasedly.

Su Qingyao said coldly, "There is one more important thing to do now."

"What is more important than seeing my son?"

Su Qingyao reprimanded Qin Fang angrily, "Shut up! Your son was born by your daughter-in-law. Now that the third sister-in-law has collapsed, you should save her first!"

"Third siblings, how can I save them? I don't know how to do medicine, so how do you ask me to save them?"

"Go find your mother."

If I remember correctly, Zhao Hongxiu's dowry today included the precious medicinal material ginseng and deer antler.

Now that Cao's blood collapsed, he could only stuff a piece of ginseng into Cao's mouth and hang him for life.

The rest is Cao's own luck.

If Cao's fate survives, it will be fine, and if Cao's fate is weak, Su Qingyao doesn't have so many options.

Qin Fang had no choice but to let Su Qingyao drag him, and found Yin Cuihua.

Seeing that Su Qingyao came to ask for ginseng, Yin Cuihua was naturally reluctant to part with it, and muttered with some displeasure, "Ginseng is a good thing, and it can fetch a lot of money if you take it out. Let me think it's better to forget it. The third daughter-in-law is not a poor life Ghost, if you can survive, why waste such precious things."

Su Qingyao knew that Yin Cuihua was reluctant, so she looked at Yin Cuihua with some dissatisfaction and said, "Mother, the third sister-in-law is your daughter-in-law after all, a life is more important than your little ginseng, right?"

Yin Cuihua really felt that ginseng was more important.

She doesn't like that stinky woman of the Cao family at all.

It's okay to be lazy, and sometimes I will fight against her!
Buying this ginseng is better than giving it to the Cao family.

But Yin Cuihua didn't say this directly, but said, "Without ginseng, the third daughter-in-law can live, why bother with so much money."

Qin Fang couldn't stand it, and accused Yin Cuihua dissatisfied, "Mother, you are too biased, right? Just be mean to our third room, and you won't get any benefits. I won't say anything if I give it all to the sixth brother." , now that you are reluctant to take out your things when your life is at stake, could it be that you kept these things for your own life?"

When Qin Fang said this, Yin Cuihua was almost pissed off.

This stinky boy just pissed her off by saying all these angry words, really!

"Mother, let me remind you first. If the third sister-in-law doesn't survive today, I'm afraid she will come to you after becoming a ghost. If this matter gets out, others will say that you, a mother-in-law, are heartless and even killed your own daughter-in-law. Regardless." Su Qingyao threatened in a cold voice.

It doesn't matter what others say about Yin Cuihua's reputation.

Although she wants to save face, she will not live in this corner of the country when she moves to the city. It doesn't matter what the people in the village say.

But what Su Qingyao said about Cao's death will turn into a ghost to come to her really frightened Yin Cuihua.

Country people are more superstitious about these things, and Yin Cuihua maintains a sense of awe towards ghosts and gods, and dare not provoke them at will.

Thinking that he would live a good life soon, if Cao Shi died and he was entangled by Cao Shi, he probably wouldn't live for long.

I haven't enjoyed enough of the good days, so I belch so early, I don't have to die.

After thinking about it, Yin Cuihua reluctantly ran to get a ginseng.

(End of this chapter)

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