Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1358 Selling to a Kiln

Chapter 1358 Selling to a Kiln

Old lady Liu still didn't feel that she had done something wrong, she chased after Liu Xiaolan and muttered, "You damn girl, what's the matter? Is this all you can do? I told you to hook up with Qin Sheng, but you can't. Tell me, What should I do now?
Your father still owes tens of taels of silver outside, if our family doesn't pay it, will we suffer?

Don't you know how to use some tricks?

Men like to cheat, as long as you use a little bit of skill, can he not find your way?
Take a look at you, you are not bad looking, you are pretty good-looking among the girl dolls in the village, right?Just like this, you still can't catch Qin Sheng, you say you have no future?
Our old Liu family gave birth to a daughter like you, what a waste of food!I'm so mad, how will I live in the future..."

Mrs. Liu was cursing and patting her thigh, both angry and excited.

Liu Xiaolan didn't feel any better, why didn't she get angry when she saw her mother like this?

Although she is a girl, she has paid a lot for this family, right?
Hooking up with Mu Shaoqing at the beginning also brought a lot of benefits to the family. The other girls in the village are not like her.

It's obviously her father's fault. He went out to gamble and lost so much, why should he put the burden on her?Make her a little out of breath?

Sometimes she wants to quit!

So facing Mrs. Liu's scolding, Liu Xiaolan felt chilled, and directly replied to Mrs. Liu, "Mother, you said it lightly, you are so powerful, why are you going to seduce Qin Sheng? Why do you want me to go?" ?”

Liu Xiaolan's words made Old Madam Liu almost pissed off, she pointed at Liu Xiaolan and continued to curse, "You damn girl, what are you talking about? Why would your mother do this kind of thing?

I'm already old, can Qin Sheng like him?If I like it, I don't need you to tell me, I will go by myself. How can someone like you be worthless and incompetent! "

As Mrs. Liu said, she was still angry but poked Liu Xiaolan's forehead a few times, as if she wanted to poke the anger out of her heart.

Liu Xiaolan screamed a few times in pain, "Mom, why did you hit me!"

"If you don't hit me, who will you hit? Let you learn a lesson so that your memory will be long.

Anyway, I told you, no matter what, you have to go to Qin Sheng to try again and get the money back, otherwise the creditors will come to your door, which will not only be bad for your father, but may also arrest you and sell you to a brothel. At that time, don't say that your parents are cruel, we are such a good-for-nothing countryman and we can't compete with someone with a background. "

Liu Xiaolan bit her lower lip bitterly.

If she was sold to a kiln, her life would be over.

I heard that that place is also a place where people cannibalize, and they have to be forced to pick them up.

In the past, there were no good men in the kiln, and there were often old men in the past.

Thinking of an old man messing around with her, Liu Xiaolan felt sick.

It's okay to be a little disgusting, I heard that it's easy to get sick.

Once contracted a disease such as syphilis, it is estimated that he will die in pain.

She would never go to such a place.

Facing Mrs. Liu's "reminder", Liu Xiaolan could only respond, "Mom, stop talking, I know!"

What can I do if I don't try?Could it be that it was waiting to be sold.

Mrs. Liu curled her lips, "It's good that you know, don't forget that time is running out, and the debt collectors didn't give me a few days."

Liu Xiaolan replied angrily, then slammed the door and returned to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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