Chapter 1359
On the other end, Qin Sheng took his things and went back to the Qin family's old house.

Su Qingyao also led the sheep over.

Shen took out a bowl, and Su Qingyao squeezed some goat milk. After the warm milk was fed to the child, the child stopped crying immediately. Qin looked at it from the side and heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he said something happily , "Great, my precious son is finally full, fifth brother and sister, thank you so much, without you my son would definitely have no milk to drink."

Usually Qin Fang is not a person who knows how to be grateful, but now for his son, he also knows who is better in the Qin family.

Among other things, without Su Qingyao, his precious son's life might not be able to be saved today.

As far as Dr. Feng's medical skills are much worse than Su Qingyao's, Qin Xin understands all this very well.

Su Qingyao twitched the corners of her mouth. If it wasn't for the sake of being a relative, he was a soft-hearted person, so he didn't bother to do so much.

It's just looking at a child with pity and some sympathy, and it's impossible for her to ignore her.

What I'm doing now is entirely out of conscience.

Sometimes you don't have to worry about so much, just be ashamed of yourself.

Shen carried the baby to the bed and placed it next to Cao. The baby fell asleep in a short while after eating, and it was so small that it was cute and quiet, which made people feel sorry for it.

What a lovely child, but it is a pity that he suffered from birth and was born prematurely.I just hope that this child can live well and grow up alive!
Su Qingyao took her eyes away from the milk doll, pointed at the sheep tied in the yard and said to Qin Fang, "Third brother, I bought this sheep from the Zhao family. Go get some grass to feed it later, so Every day, you can let the goat give milk to your son. Otherwise, if there is no goat milk, your son will be hungry again."

The reason why Su Qingyao told her was that she knew that Qin Fang was very lazy. If she didn't tell Qin Fang, she might not be able to feed the sheep with grass. If the sheep were hungry, it would naturally affect the amount of milk produced by the sheep.

Qin Fang nodded heavily in response, "Fifth brother and sister, I know, don't worry, there is a lot of grass now, and I will get some grass back for the sheep every day."

Although Su Qingyao was still a little worried, but thinking that Qin Fang was so precious to her son, she shouldn't be too negligent, so she nodded in response and didn't continue to say anything.

Qin Fang continued to flatter and say, "Fifth brother and sister, my Zhanpeng is really lucky to have an aunt like you, and you even bought him a sheep so that he can drink milk. My relatives will definitely not be able to do it! The fifth brother and sister are generous, you are willing to buy things for us even if you have money. Unlike the elder brother and sister-in-law who have money when they are rich, they ignore us poor relatives in the countryside.

If you want me to be your fifth room, you will be more able to make a fortune in the future! "

Facing Qin Fang's flattery, Su Qingyao twitched the corner of her mouth and said calmly, "I said third brother, which ear of yours heard this sheep? I gave it to you?"

Qin Fang was stunned, looked at Su Qingyao with some puzzlement, and asked Su Qingyao, "Ah? Fifth sibling, isn't it? Didn't you just say you bought it from the Zhao family?"

Su Qingyao twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "I've said it before, but I didn't say that I gave this sheep to you."

"Fifth brother and sister, you still let me feed it...why didn't you give it to me?" Qin Fang felt a little baffled by being punished.

(End of this chapter)

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