Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1360 Owing 22 Silver

Chapter 1360

"Yes!" Su Qingyao still nodded in response.

"Fifth brother and sister, will that sheep be fed at my house in the future, and will milk your eldest nephew?" Qin Fang continued to ask.

Su Qingyao still nodded.

"Isn't that enough? Fifth brother and sister, you have done this and said that the sheep are not for my family, so tell me what do you mean?"

Su Qingyao smiled slightly, "It's true that the thing is for your family, but I didn't give it away for nothing. I bought it from the Zhao family for two taels of silver. Third brother, I know that your third family has no money now, but the money can be owed for the time being." Then, if you have money in the future, you have to return it to me."

"Amount..." Qin Fang's face suddenly sank.

I thought it was something for nothing, but now Su Qingyao told him to pay him to buy it.

Two taels of silver!

Not a small sum!If you scrape together two taels of silver, you can buy an acre of paddy fields.

Now they can't afford so much money from Sanfang, and Qin Fang feels that Sanfang will not be able to do so in the future.

Su Qingyao asked him to pay it back in the future, what can he do to pay it back.

Qin Fang twitched the corner of his mouth with some difficulty, smiled at Su Qingyao embarrassingly, and asked, "I am the fifth brother and sister, you see that your fifth room is so rich, and our third room is poor. As for your third room It is said that two or two taels of silver can be taken out casually, and there is no need to be rare. It will be a problem for us to fill our stomachs after the third house, and I guess we will not be able to pay for it! Or you just forget it? We are all relatives, brothers What are you doing so clearly? If your fifth house is having a hard time, the third brother will scrape together the money, but you have money..."

After hearing Qin Fang's words, Su Qingyao felt that Qin Fang was kidnapping morally.

Although Wufang is rich, she earns it with her brain and hands. It's not like lying at home and doing nothing, so much money falls from the sky.

After Qin Fang said so much, he just relied on his own poverty and felt that it was reasonable not to pay.

It was Qin Fang's pettiness that made Sanfang live like this.

It's okay for Qin Fang to be poor, and it's only natural that he should be poor.The most important thing is that Qin Fang is a slob, content with the status quo and not working, it is strange that Sanfang can become rich.

Su Qingyao raised the corners of her mouth slightly, smiled mockingly, and said to Qin Fang, "Third brother, my brothers are still clear about it, and you are the one who said that the elder brother and sister-in-law don't care about us relatives in the countryside. I gave you things for nothing? Nothing is taken for granted. Now I have paid for you to buy a sheep back. It is for the sake of my nephew. Now you are thinking that you will not pay back the money in the future. mean?
Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't want to give the money, I'll take the sheep away, and you can take care of your son's milk yourself. "

Qin Fang was dumbfounded.

He finally got a precious son, and he couldn't bear to starve him.

Su Qingyao really took the sheep away, where can he get the first sheep back?
Even though he was no longer willing to pay back the money, Qin Fang could only grit his teeth and nod in agreement.

"All right, five younger brothers and sisters, I owe you the two taels of silver. Can I give it to you when I have money?" Qin Fang finished his reconciliation, but he started cursing at Su Qingyao in his heart, thinking that Su Qingyao was a Cheapskate, I thought she was generous at first, but she turned out to be the same as Da Fang, who was reluctant to give so much money to her family.

(End of this chapter)

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