Chapter 1391

Qin An touched his stomach, he was really hungry right now.

Qin Sheng didn't say that he didn't feel it, but after saying this, he found that he was indeed a little hungry.

After all, I haven't eaten all morning, so I can't hold on to this point.

Coupled with the toss of the road, Qin An sat down and prepared to drink with his brothers.

The second and third brothers who were talking about the big house behind their backs suddenly became very attentive.

The third brother hurriedly brought bowls and chopsticks for the eldest couple, and greeted the eldest couple, "Brother and sister-in-law, come, you eat, you eat!"

The second elder brother also stood up graciously, took the wine on the table and poured some wine into the glasses in front of the table of the couple in the eldest room.

"Come on, big brother and sister-in-law, today is the day when the fourth brother gets married, we all have to be happy. Come, have some wine and have fun!"

The reactions and attitudes of the second and third brothers left Qin Sheng speechless.

Just now these two people kept saying that the big house couple was not good, but now they rushed to show their courtesy in front of the big house couple.

Hey, isn't this too inconsistent?

But the second brother and the third brother's fake Qin Sheng didn't bother to bother, it had nothing to do with him anyway.

On the contrary, Qin Kui, who had been eating sullenly, couldn't stand it. Apart from thinking that the second and third brothers were fake, he also couldn't understand the attitude of the second and third brothers towards the big house.

Back then when the eldest son came to the county town and his life was prosperous, he also wanted to follow him to live in the county town, but his eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't agree, so they didn't bother at all.

Seeing Dafang's life is going well now, and the other two elder brothers fawning over him, Qin Kui is naturally a little bit disappointed.

"Second brother and third brother, you guys are too interesting, right? You were talking behind your back just now, why are you so enthusiastic in front of them now?"

Qin Kui's words made the second and third brothers stunned, and it was really embarrassing in front of the eldest couple.

The second brother glared at Qin Kui and said, "Sixth brother, what are you talking about?"

Qin Fang also accused Qin Kui and said, "That's right, sixth brother, don't talk nonsense!"

If the eldest brother and sister-in-law know that they are talking bad things behind their backs, will it be okay?

The sixth brother is also a solid-minded person. He didn't know how to help them guard the words, so he just told the elder brother and sister-in-law directly, and the elder brother and sister-in-law would definitely have an opinion in their hearts.

Qin Kui curled his lips, and said a little dissatisfied, "Second brother and third brother, where did I talk nonsense? You obviously said bad things about your elder brother and sister-in-law behind your back, so why don't you tell me?
The fifth brother is also there, why don't you ask my brother if you have said anything? "

Qin Kuina's earnest and swearing face makes people can't help but believe that what Qin Kui said is true.

Qin An and An's faces darkened immediately, and they looked at the second and third brothers with some displeasure.

No one wants to be bad-mouthed behind their backs, Qin An and An's are naturally like this.

Qin An raised his brows and said, "I don't know what the second and third brothers are saying about us behind our backs? If our elder brother has done something to offend you, why not say it in person? Why talk about it behind your back?"

The second brother and the third brother blushed in embarrassment.

The second elder brother hurriedly said, "Brother, don't listen to the nonsense of the sixth younger brother, we are just chatting casually, it's nothing."

The third brother echoed, "Yes, the second brother is right. Big brother, it's not that you don't know the character of the sixth brother. He just likes to talk nonsense, and he talks nonsense when he doesn't understand some things."

Qin Kui glanced at the second and third brothers resentfully, and felt that the second and third brothers were fake and disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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