Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1392 Su Qingyao hates sister-in-law

Chapter 1392 Su Qingyao hates sister-in-law

Qin An snorted lightly, so he didn't care too much.

But I still have a embankment in my heart when facing his second and third brothers.

"Brother and sister-in-law, come, let's eat vegetables!" The second brother greeted enthusiastically, trying to resolve the embarrassment of the atmosphere.

Qin An snorted softly, didn't say much, and slowly picked up the vegetables and started eating.

An Shi sat in front of the table, and lost his appetite after taking a few bites of the dishes on the table.

First of all, she felt that the food served at the banquet was much worse than the food she ate in the county, and it was simply incomparable.In addition, he came in halfway through the banquet, and the dishes on the table were basically touched by someone else's chopsticks, and An Shi felt a little dirty.

Of course, all of this is because An's got used to staying in the county town and got used to herself.

If this was the time when the Qin family had nothing to eat, they probably hoped for a meal at the banquet.

Seeing that Anshi took a few mouthfuls and stopped eating, the second brother asked embarrassingly, "Sister-in-law, why did you stop eating after two mouthfuls? There are too many. There are fish, meat, chicken, and duck. You can’t eat it in normal times.”

Because the second brother can't eat good food on weekdays, how do the people in the lower class know what the real rich people eat? He thinks that he can eat chicken, duck and fish is already very good.

Before An's could answer, Qin Kui said in a sour tone, "Sister-in-law has spent too much time in the county town, so she doesn't like our country food."

"Eh..." The second brother opened his mouth, and murmured in surprise, "The eldest brother and sister-in-law have to eat well in the county town, don't they like such dishes?"

The second brother couldn't figure out how good life in the county town was.

"Second brother, you are called a frog at the bottom of a well. Of course you don't know if you haven't experienced it. The dishes at our banquet are good for us country people, but not necessarily good for people in the county."

Qin Kui muttered something, thinking of the food that Yin Cuihua brought back for him from the county, Qin Kui swallowed his saliva.

Compared with the delicious food in the county town, these things in the countryside are indeed much worse.

The second brother sighed after hearing Qin Kui's words, and became more and more envious of Da Fang and his wife!

There is no comparison, no harm, only after comparing do we realize that we are brothers, and our lives are completely different.

Hey, he also wants to live a good life, but he doesn't know when he will be able to live a good life!
Anshi snorted softly, "Are people eating these things in the countryside? It's almost the same if you take them out and feed them to pigs!"

It's true that An's words were exaggerated, but she actually said that on purpose to show off and highlight her good life in the county.

It happened that Su Qingyao finished delivering food to Cao Shi, and when she heard An Shi's words, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curled up, forming a mocking smile.

Some people become a bit smug when they become nouveau riche.

Su Qingyao is straightforward, and she couldn't help saying to An Shi, "Sister-in-law, why didn't I know that the pigs in the county can still eat so well?
But if I remember correctly, the food my sister-in-law ate in the past was not as good as today's banquets, and I don't know how my sister-in-law ate it before. Wasn't my sister-in-law a human before?Is it not as good as a pig? "

Being teased by Su Qingyao like this, An's face suddenly turned red, and she looked at Su Qingyao angrily.

This fifth sibling has always been good at talking, and now she still likes to tear her down, Anshi suddenly feels ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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