Chapter 1393

"Fifth sibling, you..."

Qin Sheng couldn't help but chuckle when he heard Su Qingyao's words.

The daughter-in-law's mouth is still as poisonous as ever.

Qin Sheng originally thought that his wife only liked to talk about him, but now it seems that his wife likes to talk about everyone.

Hit anyone who is upset!

But this time I can't blame the daughter-in-law's mouth for being too poisonous, but the sister-in-law's words are a bit exaggerated.

Although the food at the banquet today is not as good as that eaten in the county town, it is generally not bad, and it is a hearty and delicious meal for the country people.

Although my sister-in-law lived a good life in the county, she would not compare these meals to pig food when she came back.Doesn't it mean that they are all eating pig food, so aren't they pigs?No one will feel comfortable listening to it.

It's just that ordinary people's verbal skills are not as strong as his wife's, so even if they are a little unhappy with what An Shi said, they will not express it directly.

Qin Kui looked at Su Qingyao with some admiration, her words really touched his heart!If it weren't for Su Qingyao's confrontation, Qin Kui would also be thinking about how to confront An's, and now it would save him a lot of talking.So she followed Su Qingyao and clapped her hands in agreement, "The fifth sister-in-law is right, the elder sister-in-law is just too drifting, and she has already forgotten the book."

"Sister-in-law, we all survived the poor days. Whether we are poor or rich, we shouldn't be too picky. Today's banquet is considered delicacies, but there are fish and meat that many families can't eat. Many families Cherish it, maybe what you don't like today is what you can't expect to look back. 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, who knows how your life will be in the future!" Su Qingyao reminded with a sneer.

From Su Qingyao's point of view, in fact, Dafang's current good life is not stable and long-term.

Dafang’s prosperity is based on Qin Yu’er’s climbing into a wealthy family. Maybe one day when they get tired of playing, they will kick Qin Yuer away when they feel that there is nothing new.

However, Dafang and his wife are not people who are prepared for danger in times of peace. Now that they have some money in their hands, they don't want to do some business. They go out to find a way to make money, and they are simply enjoying themselves.

Once Qin Yu'er was kicked away by someone, the final result of their big house would only be to sit and eat.

If Dafang and his wife could really listen to what she said, for the sake of the future, it shouldn't be like this.

An's body was trembling with anger, and he argued with Su Qingyao angrily, "Fifth brother and sister, what do you mean? Can't you see that our big house is doing well? I wish that our big house will be ruined in the future, so that you will be happy? How can you survive?" With such evil thoughts, after all, we are also a family, so how can we not see our first wife?
Oh, I get it, it must be because your fifth wife's life is not as good as our eldest's, and you are jealous of the eldest, right?Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect you, fifth sibling, to be such a person, and your thoughts are really vicious! "

Qin An said to Su Qingyao in displeasure, "That's right, the fifth brother and sister really spoke too much this time, I hope the fifth brother and sister will not do this in the future.

Fifth brother, as a husband-in-law, you also have to take care of your own wife, see how he talks to his sister-in-law, you don't understand any rules!You coward don't even dare to say a word about her! "

(End of this chapter)

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