Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1394 One should be down-to-earth

Chapter 1394 One should be down-to-earth
Qin Sheng, however, stood on Su Qingyao's side, defending Su Qingyao and saying, "Brother, sister-in-law, I think what my wife said is quite reasonable, but in fact, I didn't expect your eldest wife to be bad, let alone jealous of you.

In real comparison, our fifth house must be richer than your eldest family.It's just that my daughter-in-law is really very good, unlike my sister-in-law who is a bit hypocritical, thinking that the dishes at our banquet are inedible and are for pigs. "

Qin Kui put down the bowl and chopsticks, and helped Qin Sheng maintain it together, "I also think what the fifth sister-in-law said is right, one should be down-to-earth, it's not good to be too careless."

An Shi directly threw down the bowl and chopsticks angrily, and returned to the house.

Su Qingyao shrugged her shoulders with an innocent gesture.

Qin An sighed, "Hey, forget it, let's not talk about it, let's continue drinking!"

The second brother said with a smile, "Hey, big brother, that's right, don't think about those unhappy things, let's keep drinking, keep drinking!"


It was rare for the brothers to get together to drink, and it was the fourth brother's happy event, so they had a good drink overall.

After the banquet, Su Qingyao helped to deal with the affairs after the banquet.

Generally speaking, because I paid someone to help me, I felt much more at ease.

If it wasn't for the fourth brother and Zhao Hongxiu, Su Qingyao wouldn't have been so dedicated. In the end, it was for the fourth brother and Zhao Hongxiu. The wedding banquet must be organized for them.

Today, Dafang and his wife had no way to go back to the county town. They would definitely have to stay for a day before leaving tomorrow.

But this time when the Dafang couple came back, they really planned to stay in the country for two days.

I have spent a lot of time in the county town, and I miss the days when I used to gossip and chat everywhere in the village.

Especially when their big house is so developed, it makes the villagers envy, and they can show it off in front of the villagers later.

How can you show off in front of the villagers when you go back to the county early?

After Su Qingyao was busy with the banquet, she went back to make soap.

Wang Jinlan also came over soon, but she seemed a little restless while making soap, thinking about something in her heart.

Su Qingyao saw that something was wrong with Wang Jinlan, so she asked Wang Jinlan, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking? Could it be that something happened at home?"

When asked by Su Qingyao, Wang Jinlan regained consciousness, pulled the corner of her mouth and replied to Su Qingyao, "Sister Qingyao, I don't know if I should say something..."

Su Qingyao asked curiously, "Sister-in-law Jinlan, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Hey..." Wang Jinlan sighed heavily, and then said to Su Qingyao, "Your brother Dazhu told me about something just now, saying that Liu Xiaolan suddenly talked to him and said he liked said Liu Xiaolan What do you mean? Could it be that you really have a crush on your elder brother?"

Wang Jinlan still had a sense of crisis in her heart.

She, a woman who gave birth, is not comparable to Liu Xiaolan. First of all, her face is not as good-looking as Liu Xiaolan's, she is not as young as Liu Xiaolan's, and her figure is not as good as Wang Xiaolan's.

The older a man is, the more masculine he is, and the older a woman is, the more she looks like tofu.

Wang Jinlan knew that her man was a good man, and it was normal for other women to like him.

However, her man's ability to confess this matter to her shows that his character is guaranteed, and he will definitely not mess around outside like other men.

(End of this chapter)

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