Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1403 Zhao Daniu Has No Use Value

Chapter 1403 Zhao Daniu Has No Use Value

"Ah, Xiao Lan, they have already given you money? Just one tael? Is there any more? If you have any, take it out quickly!" Mrs. Liu was so excited when she saw the money, she wanted to get more little bit.

Liu Xiaolan said in displeasure, "Mother, even if he gave you a tael of silver first, how much more do you want?

Doesn't this come slowly?Who gave you so much money in the first place? "

Mrs. Liu opened her mouth and said resentfully, "Okay, one tael is just one tael. Xiaolan, you have to work harder, get some more money back quickly. This way our family's life will be easier .”

"Well, I got it, I got it." Liu Xiaolan replied impatiently, "Mother, can you stop nagging, is it annoying to keep talking about these things?"

"Okay, you're good now, okay? Your mother won't say anything about you. Now I'll cook for you and make up for you these few days. You have to work harder for me."

"Well, mother, you go quickly."

Mrs. Liu turned around silently, and went to prepare food with the kitchen.

For the next two days, Liu Xiaolan was tossing Liu Xiaolan in turn at Zhao Daniu, Wang Lao Er, and Qin An, almost "squeezing" Liu Xiaolan dry.

But for the sake of money, Liu Xiaolan could only endure it.

Although Zhao Daniu picked a little bit, for Liu Xiaolan these days, he still gave Liu Xiaolan one after another.

Although the Zhao family has a lot of money, it is not entirely in Zhao Daniu's own hands.

There are also a large amount of money in the hands of Zhao Daniu's parents, so it is embarrassing to ask them for it.

Qin An, on the other hand, was completely fascinated by Liu Xiaolan, and directly gave Liu Xiaolan three or forty taels of silver.

With this money, Father Liu's debts were resolved, but Liu Xiaolan was not satisfied, and only wanted to get more money from Qin An.

Among other things, she still thought about being able to live in the county like Qin An and the others in the future.So she has to continue to work hard to get Qin An to spend more money, so that she can guarantee her life.

Liu Xiaolan didn't know that Su Qingyao had also been secretly watching her movements these days.

Before, Su Qingyao only thought that Liu Xiaolan had found Zhao Daniu, and Liu Dazhu had no choice but to give up. Who knew that Liu Xiaolan was "serving" three men at the same time, which surprised her.

Liu Xiaolan is so despicable to such an extent, isn't she afraid of being disgusted by having sex with three men in one day?
Su Qingyao didn't know when this matter would be exposed, but she was looking forward to the day when it would be exposed.

If this kind of thing gets out, let's see if Liu Xiaolan still has the face to mess around in the village.

On this day, Zhao Daniu approached Liu Xiaolan again and asked to do that thing with Liu Xiaolan.

Liu Xiaolan directly refused, "Brother Big Niu, I think we'd better forget about it, and stop seeing each other in the future."

Zhao Daniu was so picky about her, but he didn't give her much money. Thinking about it, Liu Xiaolan felt angry.

Zhao Daniu is not half as good as Qin An. Now that Qin An is here, her father's debts don't have to worry about at all.

Who can give her a better life in the future.

Obviously, the current Zhao Daniu is of no use to Liu Xiaolan at all, without any use value, she naturally doesn't need to spend time on Zhao Daniu, wasting her own time, and suffering every day is not worth it.

Now she just wants to kick Zhao Daniu as far as she can.

(End of this chapter)

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