Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1404 The Fate Is Over

Chapter 1404 The Fate Is Over
Zhao Daniu was stunned after hearing Liu Xiaolan's words, and looked at Liu Xiaolan with some puzzlement, but at the same time he was a little bit reluctant.

During this time with Liu Xiaolan, he has long been used to the "love" with Liu Xiaolan, if he leaves Liu Xiaolan, Zhao Daniu feels that he will be very uncomfortable.

Zhao Daniu opened his mouth and asked Liu Xiaolan, "Girl Xiaolan, why don't you keep seeing each other in the future? Is it not good between us? Suddenly saying that we don't want to see each other, what's going on?"

Liu Xiaolan replied in disgust, "Brother Big Niu, I don't think you care about me!"

Zhao Daniu hurriedly defended himself, "Girl Xiaolan, aren't you talking nonsense? Why don't I care about you anymore? I would do everything for you, it's so heartbreaking, and now you say such things, it hurts me too much heart..."

Zhao Daniu said, a little uncomfortable.

For Liu Xiaolan, he really moved out all the things at home, and basically gave Liu Xiaolan all the money in his hand, but who knew that Liu Xiaolan would say that in the end, and his heart seemed to be pierced by something. Like a moment.

There was a look of disgust in Liu Xiaolan's eyes, and she replied unceremoniously to Zhao Daniu, "Brother Daniu, you think you are good to me. If this is the case, I told you that my father owed dozens of taels of silver and needed to pay it back. If I can't get the money out, my father may die, and I may be sold to a kiln.

Since you like me, why don't you want to give me money, do you want to watch me being sold?Just like this, you still say that you care about me and treat me well? "

Facing Liu Xiaolan's complaints, Zhao Daniu was silent for a while, and finally had a look of embarrassment on his face, "Xiaolan girl, I am naturally reluctant to let you be sold to a kiln. The reason why I can't pay so much money is because I don't want to give it to you. , but I can't help it.

The fields and other money in the family are under the control of my parents, so I can't give them to you, after all, I am not the only one in charge of the family..."

Facing Zhao Daniu's embarrassment, Liu Xiaolan sneered and said nonchalantly, "Brother Da Niu, I know your embarrassment. In this case, I think it's better for us to separate as soon as possible. After all, I don't want to drag you down. Brother Big Niu understands me."

Zhao Daniu begged reluctantly, "Girl Xiaolan... Didn't you say you like me? Why do you leave now when you say leave? Do you know how much I like you, so you just have the heart to be with me like this?" separated?"

Liu Xiaolan snorted coldly, "Brother Big Niu, can you stop talking about this, I like that you can eat as a meal? Our fate is over now, we should break up now, you know?"

Zhao Daniu shook his head and looked at Liu Xiaolan in pain, "Girl Xiaolan, you must be angry with me, right? Otherwise, I'll think of a way, don't leave me.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll tell my parents, I want to take you as a concubine and ask them to take out the money, if not, sell some of the family’s land, and I’m sure I can scrape together dozens of taels of silver to pay off your father’s debts.

Even after selling the land, our Zhao family probably has around ten acres of land left. We are not as rich as we are now, and you may have to suffer some hardships if you follow me, but don’t worry, as long as I have a bite to eat, I won’t starve you. When I turn back, I will go to work well and earn money for you! "

(End of this chapter)

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