Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1412 Ann's Golden Hairpin Is Lost

Chapter 1412 Ann's Golden Hairpin Is Lost
Now it is considered to be white and fat, and it looks very cute.

And Qin Zhanpeng's eyes have been opened, big and round, which makes people feel sorry for him.

"Sister-in-law three, Zhanpeng has gained a lot of weight recently!" Unlike when he was just born, he was thin and small, like a puppy, and looked pitiful.

Mrs. Cao smiled and said, "The food is good, there is a lot of goat milk, and I can't finish it every day. This is also thanks to you, the fifth sibling. Otherwise, I would have no milk, and Zhan Peng was born prematurely. It would not be easy to raise up."

Cao's heart is full of gratitude to Su Qingyao, knowing that Su Qingyao saved her own life and the life of her son.

In the future, she must repay Su Qingyao well.

"Sister-in-law, please be polite. Zhanpeng is lucky for himself. Haha, he woke up right now. Let me give you a hug. Sister-in-law, eat yours first, don't let the food get cold."

Mrs. Cao responded, and was even more grateful for Su Qingyao's thoughtfulness.

When Su Qingyao was about to reach out and hug Qin Zhanpeng, suddenly An's roar came from outside.

Su Qingyao frowned, and Cao asked, "What's the matter, sister-in-law?"

"do not know……"

Well, like ghosts crying and howling wolves, I don't know what happened.

"Fifth brother and sister, then go out and have a look, and see what's wrong with sister-in-law."

After Su Qingyao hesitated for a while, she replied, "Okay, I'll go right away."


Su Qingyao left the third-bedroom house and saw An's distraught look.

The rest of the Qin family also heard the movement and asked An's what was going on.

Yin Cuihua said, "I said, eldest daughter-in-law, you are in such a hurry, what happened that made it necessary?"

An's gaze fell on Yin Cuihua, first looked at Yin Cuihua suspiciously, and then said, "I lost something!"

Yin Cuihua frowned slightly for a moment, and then asked An Shi, "What? Is something missing? What is it missing?"

"I lost the golden hairpin I put in the house! Mom, it's worth more than ten taels of silver!"

When Yin Cuihua heard this, her expression turned a little ugly.

Although I don't like An's, but An's is also from the Qin family.

The things of the family were lost for no reason, can she be happy?
Naturally, it is something that is distressed and lost!

"Why did you lose it? Boss, daughter-in-law, where did you put it? Did you find it? Did you find it? Can you take a look again?"

An Shi said angrily, "I put the things in the house, and I searched through such a big place, so I found it clearly, otherwise I wouldn't say this."

Yin Cuihua muttered, "That's really weird... Our family didn't see anyone coming over? Why did things just get lost..."

It was fine if Yin Cuihua didn't say anything, but when she said that An suddenly thought of something, she said very angrily, "Mother, yes, no one else came, but I lost my golden hairpin, it must have been taken by my family!
Day and night defense, home thieves are difficult to prevent!
The chicken in our big house was stolen by the sixth brother last time. I think my golden hairpin must have been stolen by the sixth brother this time. Are you going to exchange it for money?

Mother, hurry up and talk to Sixth Brother and ask him to return the golden hairpin to me, otherwise I won't be polite.I'll sue the yamen later and let my sixth brother face a prison lawsuit! "

Hearing An's threat, Yin Cuihua's body trembled in anger.This eldest daughter-in-law speaks too irritatingly!
(End of this chapter)

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