Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1413 Old 6 Didn't Steal It

Chapter 1413 The Sixth Didn't Steal It
Why should the old sixth head come up to blame?
Does it mean that every time there is a thief in the house because Lao Liu has stolen something before, it is Lao Liu who did it?

There is no evidence to clarify the situation. Isn't this clearly wronging people?

In addition, Yin Cuihua favored Qin Kui in the first place, so she protected the sixth child, so she said to An's dissatisfied, "I said the eldest daughter-in-law, what do you say? There is no evidence that the sixth brother stole it, so you can take a good bite." The biting was done by the sixth child, isn't it too much?"

An's displeased, "Mother, I'm not talking nonsense. There are only a few people in our family. If you say that the sixth brother didn't steal it, who stole it?"

After the second and third brothers heard this, they immediately defended themselves, "Sister-in-law, I didn't steal it. I just came back today and I wasn't at home a few days ago. Even if I wanted to steal it, I wouldn't miss a chance!"

"Sister-in-law, I am not such a person. I did not steal your golden hairpin. You have to believe me. If I stole your golden hairpin, I am not a human being. If I lie, I will be thundered and bombarded. Terrible!"

The second brother is not at home, so there is really no chance of committing the crime.

The third brother made such a poisonous oath again, it should not be the third brother who stole it.

As for the five bedrooms, it is impossible not to live in the same yard.

So An Shi still believed in Qin Kui.

"Mother, we are all in the same family, you said you didn't steal it, and he said you didn't steal it, so my golden hairpin won't be lost for no reason, and the sixth brother's is the most likely to steal it!
Mother, I know you are partial to the sixth brother, but you have to be reasonable, don't always protect the sixth brother.

If you hadn't pampered him too much back then, he wouldn't have done such things.

If the sixth brother has any difficulties this time, just say it, don't try to steal things and sell them, it's really a good skill to attack your own family! "

Yin Cuihua was naturally unhappy when she heard this.

The eldest daughter-in-law is still pouring dirty water on the sixth child.

Yin Cuihua put her hands on her hips, pointed at An's, and began to curse, "I said, daughter-in-law, you can't go too far.

In the past, Liufang was poor, and your sixth brother was cheated by a bitch, and only made mistakes when he was confused.

Now we are living a good life, we have some money, and we have to live in the county town.

To put it bluntly, we don't necessarily like your golden hairpin.

Your sixth brother is rich now, why steal your golden hairpin?I'm full and full, for such a little money? "

Although she felt that what Yin Cuihua said was reasonable, An Shi still curled her lips and said, "Then who knows? Dogs can't stop eating shit, maybe they just want to get more money!"

Yin Cuihua was almost pissed off, "Boss daughter-in-law, what you said is too much, why did your sixth brother hate you, and you just slander him like this?
Tell me, how can you believe that the sixth brother didn't steal it? "

An's eyes turned, and she said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, if the sixth brother can swear a poisonous oath like the third brother, then I will believe the sixth brother!"

Yin Cuihua pulled Qin Kui over, and asked Qin Kui, "Lao Liu, tell mother honestly, did you steal your sister-in-law's golden hairpin?"

Qin Kui quickly shook his head, waved his hands and said, "No, mother, I didn't steal it, and I really didn't steal it this time."

"That's fine, then you swear a poisonous oath in front of your sister-in-law now, otherwise your sister-in-law will be suspicious again, thinking that you stole her golden hairpin!"

(End of this chapter)

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