Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1421 An's Surrender

Chapter 1421 An's Surrender
After hearing Mrs. Liu's words, An Shi was so angry that he almost spit out blood.

"Can this little slut of yours compare to my Yu'er? Don't put on an embarrassing comparison, little slut, it's not good to seduce anyone, you have to keep an eye on my man!"

Seeing Mrs. Liu and An's fighting with each other, Qin An frowned deeply.

Liu Xiaolan's cuteness and An's shrewd behavior formed a stark contrast. At this moment, Qin An hated An's even more, because he felt that An's didn't know how to be considerate and sensible.

Bullied Liu Xiaolan in front of so many people, and gave her a face!
This also strengthened Qin An's determination to marry Liu Xiaolan back!
Which man doesn't want a gentle and sensible woman by his side?

Qin An yelled angrily, "That's enough! Hurry up and stop!"

Qin An's rare majesty, Anshi was taken aback, so he obediently stopped.

When he looked at Qin An again, Qin An said with a serious face, "Yu'er's mother, it is common for men to have three wives and four concubines. As a wife, you should naturally be considerate of your husband instead of keeping him from taking concubines.

Your main wife is still there, and Xiaolan is just a concubine, so you can't tolerate her like that?
How could there be such a jealous woman like you?

Did you know that one of the seven rules is jealousy.If you continue to do this again, I will divorce you! "

Qin An said it seriously, not as if he was joking.An's also knows that Qin An can really do what he says this time.

These days, being divorced by her husband is a very shameful thing. If she is divorced, she will probably have no face to live in the future.

Someone at the side persuaded An Shi, "An Shi, don't be stubborn.

It is indeed normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. Although you feel wronged, you have to accept it.It's not worth it if you get suspended!Doesn't that mean giving up the position of the main room to Liu Xiaolan? "

"That's right, it's really okay to let Liu Xiaolan pass through the door. You are still the main wife. Liu Xiaolan is a shameless person. I have to listen to you in the future. When you pass through the door, you will have plenty of opportunities to make things difficult for her and teach her a lesson!"

"Anshi, it's not worth losing yourself for a little bitch!"

"Men are all the same. They like young ones. If they have money, they want to take concubines. Women can't help it. An, seeing that your man has made up his mind this time, you should let him take Liu Xiaolan!"



An's listened to the persuasion of the people around her, as well as the firmness in Qin An's eyes.

My heart suddenly hurt.

She has been with Qin An for so many years, what exactly is she planning?

Disliked when you are old?
Now you have to watch this little bastard come by and piss her off?

As others persuaded just now, she can't be divorced by Qin An, let's not say that she will be ashamed and shameless in the future, just say that she is divorced, and Liu Xiaolan will be the wife in the future.She will never let this little bastard take advantage of her!
It's just a concubine who can't see the light, she will teach her a lesson slowly later!
Bear with it for now, and think of a way later.

Finally, An's relented and agreed to Qin An's concubine.

Qin An breathed a sigh of relief, but still showed An's face.

The Liu family was very happy, as if they had seen their prosperous days in the future.

Liu Xiaolan lowered her head shyly, and in her heart she was also fantasizing about the happy life in the future.

Next, Mrs. Liu negotiated terms with Qin An. The girl can't marry in vain, she must come up with a little gift money.

(End of this chapter)

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