Chapter 1422

Qin An is not a stingy person either, he felt that Liu Xiaolan wanted to be with him, so he had to be humble, and also had to accept the ridicule and abuse from the women in the village, and suffered a lot of grievances.Naturally, more money should be given out to compensate Liu Xiaolan.

So Qin An decided to give 20 taels of silver as the bride price for marrying Liu Xiaolan.

20 taels of silver is not a small amount for a countryman, and the Liu family was even more cheerful after hearing this.

After all, Liu Xiaolan's condition is not good, and she is not a big girl, so she didn't expect that the second-hand price can be sold so well now.

For 20 taels of silver, it is enough to marry a few big girls with yellow flowers, and their Liu family is not stupid, so naturally they will not disagree.

After the marriage was settled, Qin An went back.

In the past two days, the marriage was arranged early, and Liu Xiaolan went to live in the county with Qin An later.

The Liu family looked forward to these two days and hurriedly let Liu Xiaolan marry over, waiting for the dust to settle.

The villagers who had joined in the fun went back one after another.

Today's incident is nothing more than an explosive news for the people in the village.

We all know that Liu Xiaolan is very hot, but I didn't expect Liu Xiaolan and Qin An to hook up.

There is such a big age gap between the two!

But the people in the village who spoke ill of Liu Xiaolan were basically women.

The men envied that Qin An was a bit glamorous, and that he was able to marry a beautiful and young concubine.

After all, you still have to be rich. When a man is rich, there will be no shortage of young and beautiful women around him.

When a man has no money, the woman around him can't do it, he can only guard his wife.

It's a pity that Qin An is so rich, not everyone can do it.

Which man in the village does not want to be prosperous, but there is no chance of prosperity.What else can I do other than envy and jealousy?

Su Qingyao knew a lot about this matter, so she was not surprised by this result.

I just feel a little bloody.

Men are big pigs, I can't believe it.

I saw that the eldest brother was honest before, but I didn't expect that he was also such a person.

For An's, Su Qingyao didn't know whether she should be pitiful or not.

It's none of her business anyway, she doesn't care.

Some things, what should come will come, and everyone's life is related.

Maybe An's own life is suffering, and there is nothing he can do.

When the second and third brothers heard the news, they thought it was normal and didn't think there was anything wrong with what Qin An did.

It is normal for men to have three wives and four concubines. If they can be like Qin An, maybe they will also marry a concubine.

But I am a poor ghost, there is no way.

The second brother joked, "Brother is really lucky, to be able to marry a beautiful girl at this age! I'm the envy of my brother!

Now I don't have a daughter-in-law, when can I have a daughter-in-law?

Brother, we are brothers, and brothers have to help each other.In the future, you can also help your brother get a daughter-in-law back, I will definitely be grateful to you! "

Qin An curled his lips and glared at the second brother, "What are you talking about, Xiaolan and I are in love, we are naturally together, and we didn't marry her for the sake of marrying her. What you said, it seems that I am not good enough for her. "

The second elder brother smiled embarrassingly, thinking in his heart that he was not good enough for Liu Xiaolan.

After all, one is so old, and the other is beautiful and young. Together, they are old cows eating tender grass, and a flower is stuck on a lump of cow dung.

Even though he thought so in his heart, the second brother didn't dare to say it bluntly, otherwise he would make Qin An unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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