Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1424 Let Qin Sheng Take a Concubine

Chapter 1424 Let Qin Sheng Take a Concubine

Turn around and say a few nice words to the elder brother, coax the elder brother, and ask the elder brother to give him the little money.

At worst, she will go to the kiln to find a woman!

Anyway, the women in the kiln are not bad, they all look pretty good!

The most important thing is to be considerate and understanding!
Of course, that aspect of work is okay, and it can serve people comfortably.

Liu Xiaolan is also pretty, and the others may not be as good as the girls in the kiln!
Seeing that Qin Fang didn't say anything more, Qin An's mood calmed down a little.

Thinking that he will be able to marry Liu Xiaolan soon, Qin An is still in a very happy mood.

Qin Fang stood aside and joked to Qin Sheng, "I said fifth brother, you see that the elder brother is rich and has taken a concubine, and you are rich too, why don't you take a concubine?

How good are multiple women serving?It's a pity that the third brother has no money. If the third brother had money, he would have to marry ten or eight beautiful women back! "

Hearing Qin Fang's words, the second brother sneered, "Third brother, do you still want to take a concubine?

Let's not talk about whether you have money or not, just talk about your body and strength?Can you handle ten or eight? "

Qin Fang stared at the second brother displeased, "Second brother, what are you talking about? Why can't I do it? I can't, can you do it?"

"Yes, third brother, my physical strength is naturally better than yours, and yours is too bad."

"Second brother, you..." Qin Fang gritted his teeth angrily and clenched his fists, wishing he could run over and beat his second brother a few times.

The second elder brother smiled and said, "Third brother, don't deny it. Anyway, I'm telling the truth. You can't do it in the first place? It's not difficult to admit that you can't do it. It's not difficult between us brothers. In front of outsiders, what's not to say? Just tell the truth."

The third brother was almost pissed off.

Thinking about his physical strength, he is a bit weaker than the other brothers, but he is stronger than the sixth brother, right?

Speaking of it, it is obvious that the sixth brother has the weakest physical strength.

Furthermore, when you marry a woman, you don't have to satisfy them, just satisfy yourself.

Whenever you want to be refreshing, you can find whoever you want to be refreshing.

What the second brother said was so ugly that he almost pissed him off!

Qin Sheng twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly, feeling that the brothers in the family were a little speechless.

Why do they keep thinking dirty things in their heads?

"I don't want to take concubines, my daughter-in-law is enough!"

"Hey, that's right. Fifth brother is not beautiful. Of course, fifth brother, you don't have to think about marrying a young and beautiful one, unlike us..."

"Even if my wife is not good-looking, I won't take concubines." Qin Sheng said seriously.

Whether he takes a concubine or not has nothing to do with Su Qingyao's appearance, she just thinks that two people who love each other are together and don't need another person to get involved.

If he took a concubine, he would be sorry for Su Qingyao and make Su Qingyao worry.

This was something Qin Sheng didn't want to do, nor did he want to see it.

Life after life, Qin Sheng felt that Su Qingyao alone was enough.

Qin Fang curled his lips, and said a little sourly, "Fifth brother, then you are really blessed and don't know how to enjoy it!

But the third brother still advises you, although you are sincere to the fifth sibling, you can't do this.

You still have to think about it for yourself!

The fifth brother and sister have been married for so long, and there is still no movement in their stomachs. I don't know if they can't give birth.

You take a concubine back, so that at least the concubine can give birth to you, can't you?

It's okay if there is no son in the family, it has to be passed on to the next generation!Look at the elder brother, he has a son, and he still wants to marry Liu Xiaolan back so that Liu Xiaolan can help him to have more children. "

(End of this chapter)

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