Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1425 Stay together with Su Qingyao

Chapter 1425 Stay together with Su Qingyao
Qin Sheng listened to what Qin Fang meant, that his daughter-in-law could not have children.

He was naturally a little angry when he heard that!
Qin Sheng said to Qin Fang displeased, "I said third brother, just take care of yourself and don't worry about my affairs.

My daughter-in-law is very good, but I don't want children now, I don't want my daughter-in-law to have one, it's not that my wife can't have one! "

Seeing that Qin Sheng was angry, Qin Fang muttered a few words, but didn't say anything more.It's nothing more than Qin Sheng's stupid mind, he doesn't know how to enjoy life when he is rich, and he wouldn't be like this.

Qin Sheng didn't take this matter to heart, because he had no intention of taking a concubine at all.

He wanted to stay with Su Qingyao for the rest of his life.

Yin Cuihua did not object to Qin An's taking a concubine, but felt that what Qin An did was very reasonable.

It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, the most important thing is to spread the branches and leaves for the Qin family.

There is no way to be poor. Since you are rich, why don't you marry a wife and have a few children?
Originally, Yin Cuihua planned to live in the county town tomorrow, but because of Qin An and Liu Xiaolan's marriage, she had to wait a few more days.

After Qin An and Liu Xiaolan finished their marriage, she would go to the county town.

Although Yin Cuihua can't wait to live in the county, but when Qin An gets married, she, as a parent, must stay at home. She can't be without her son's wedding, right?
If you go to the county now, you have to come back in two days.

The road is so far, if you toss back and forth, you will not be exhausted?
So it's better to wait a few days, her old bones can't be tossed too much.

After staying at the Qin's side for a while, Su Qingyao lost interest in these gossips.

Qin Sheng took Su Qingyao and left the Qin family's old house.

On the way, Qin Sheng couldn't help saying a few words to Liu Xiaolan, how disgusting he was, first he came to seduce him, but when he failed, he went to seduce Qin An.

The bloody thing is that Qin An wants to marry Liu Xiaolan, and Liu Xiaolan will become his sister-in-law in the future, Qin Sheng can't accept it.

How could such a cheap woman be his sister-in-law?

His elder brother is also confused, being cheated by such a woman!

But it is young and beautiful, it seems to be fascinated by ghosts.

Su Qingyao comforted Qin Sheng a few words.

In fact, she doesn't care what others do, as long as others come to disgust her and touch her interests.

Liu Xiaolan seduced Qin An, that was the eldest wife's business, and had nothing to do with their fifth wife.

Su Qingyao was also lucky to have Qin An, otherwise Liu Xiaolan would have to rack her brains to hit Qin Sheng?

Moreover, Su Qingyao felt that a woman like Liu Xiaolan would always show her secrets.

She just waited to watch a good show and see Liu Xiaolan's miserable end.

With Su Qingyao's comfort, Qin Sheng felt a little better.

Qin Sheng held Su Qingyao's hand tightly, and the two of them continued walking towards home together.

On the other side, Zhao Daniu was a little confused when he heard that Liu Xiaolan was going to marry Qin An!
This incident is too sudden!
Obviously Liu Xiaolan was with him, dating, how could she be doing well, and suddenly she was going to marry Qin An as a concubine?

When did the two of them hook up?

I have never heard of any movement before, this good fact happened so suddenly that Zhao Daniu couldn't accept it.

After these few days of "getting along", Zhao Daniu was completely fascinated by Liu Xiaolan.

So he also wanted to marry Liu Xiaolan back and let Liu Xiaolan be his concubine.

(End of this chapter)

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