Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1450 Liu Xiaolan's resignation

Chapter 1450 Liu Xiaolan's resignation
She followed Qin An, and that was the one who suffered.

No matter whether Qin An treats her well in the future, she will definitely dislike him.

Liu Xiaolan wanted to cry a little, she was already married, why don't she follow Qin An now?

But thinking of living a hard life with Qin An in the future, Liu Xiaolan's heart ached.

Facing Qin An's burning eyes, Liu Xiaolan twitched the corners of her mouth, and said to Qin An pretending to be considerate, "Brother An, I think you should not be confused for a while, it is really not worth giving up so much for me, or let's just forget it Right? You go back to the county seat, I... I'll go back to my mother's house..."

At worst, she would turn around and find someone to hook up with again.

Now that he can hook up with Qin An, he will be able to hook up with other men in the future.

No matter how bad it is, there is Zhao Daniu.

If Qin An has nothing now, he might as well be Zhao Daniu!
Unless she is similar and has a good life, she must go to suffer with Zhao Daniu.

The most correct choice now is to push Qin An away.

Maybe because of guilt, Qin An could secretly take money out to help her when he returned to the county town!
Anyway, it's better than her living with Qin An now.

"Girl Xiaolan." Qin An Liu Xiaolan's words were very touching, and he felt that Liu Xiaolan was considerate and thoughtful of him.

Such a person, how could he abandon her and ignore her for the sake of a better life?In this way, Qin An would feel that his conscience was offended.

"Girl Xiaolan, I'm not the kind of person who covets wealth and honor, as long as I can be with you, I don't care about those things!

You are just too kind and considerate, don't think about me, I won't give up on you just to live a good life! "Qin An said with a firm face, facing Liu Xiaolan with an affectionate look.

The corner of Liu Xiaolan's mouth twitched, in fact, she didn't care that Qin An did this for her at all.

Now that she can't refuse, Qin An is more determined to be with her, which makes Liu Xiaolan a little tired.

Liu Xiaolan twitched her lips and said to Qin An, "Brother An, you don't have to do this.

A woman like me is worthy of you."

Qin An took Liu Xiaolan's hand, and immediately retorted, "No, Xiaolan, you are worth it. You are a unique existence in my heart. If I say you are worth it, you are worth it!"

"Brother An." Liu Xiaolan didn't know what to say for a while.

Why is it so difficult to get rid of Qin An?Why did the more she talked, the more Qin An insisted on being with her, which made Liu Xiaolan a little distressed.

Liu Xiaolan struggled for a while, and still persuaded Qin An, "But brother An, you will make me feel guilty.

Originally you could live a good life, but you have to suffer for me.

Brother An, we are all country people, and you know what a hard life is like.We didn't come here just by opening our mouths, and we will suffer later.

I hope you have a good life in the future, so that I can be happy.In order to make me feel at ease, you should go back to the county seat, I will stick to this poor village for me.

In this way, even if I am with you, with guilt, I will not live in peace. "

Qin An almost burst into tears when he heard this. It would be worth dying if he could marry a woman who cared so much for him in his life, not to mention giving up a comfortable life and a good life for her.

"Xiao Lan, I did this voluntarily, so you don't have to feel guilty."

(End of this chapter)

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