Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1451 It's better to say than to sing

Chapter 1451 It's better to say than to sing

"But Brother An."

Tired of heart, Liu Xiaolan wanted to persuade her again, but was stopped by Qin An.

"Xiao Lan, you really really don't have to think about this!

I said, everything is worth it for you!So you don't have to feel guilty or anything.

If you really feel guilty and want to make amends, then live a good life with me in the future, and you'd better give me some big fat boys.

Xiaolan, I do it sincerely and willingly. You are not forcing me to give up these things, so don't feel sorry for me.I just want to be with you now, the two of us live a good life, the rest is not important. "

Liu Xiaolan's chest was tight, and she almost wanted to vomit blood.

This Qin An really pissed her off!
Why can't oil and salt enter?
Don't listen to anything!

It's not easy to get rid of him.
Qin Yuer quickly caught the disgust and impatience in Liu Xiaolan's eyes.

Qin Yu'er sneered in her heart, she knew Liu Xiaolan, a bitch, couldn't pretend.

Without money, I will not live a good life in the future, and the original shape will soon be revealed!

It's a pity that her father is an idiot. This woman has been bitch to such an extent that she can't even find out, and she is still foolishly jumping into the gentle trap woven by Liu Xiaolan.

Qin Yu'er said coldly, "Hehe, speaking is better than singing, no wonder you can fool my father.

Of course, my father is also out of his mind, he will believe whatever you say! "

Qin An's face darkened immediately, and he asked Qin Yu'er angrily, "You girl, why are you always targeting Xiaolan?

Look, Xiaolan is so considerate and caring about me, willing to live a hard life with me, yet you still talk about her and doubt her, isn't it too much for you? "

Qin Yu'er sneered, "Father, did they say they wanted to live a hard life with you?

Didn't you see her keep evading?

When she came out, she just said it nicely, she didn't want to live a hard life with you, and she didn't directly say that she didn't want to live with you in the name of thinking about you.

Dad, they are just trying to get your money, and they don't want to continue after hearing that they can't live a good life. Do you think their evasion is true, considerate of you, and care about you?

Why don't you ask again, is she really willing to live a hard life with you? "

Qin An frowned, and looked at Liu Xiaolan unwillingly.

"Impossible...Xiao Lan is not such a person!"

After Qin An finished speaking, he pulled Liu Xiaolan and asked, "Xiaolan, tell me, are you willing to live with me and won't leave me? As long as you say a word, I will definitely stay by your side and won't believe that Yu what my son said."

Qin Yuer looked at Liu Xiaolan and said, "Liu Xiaolan, you have to think about it, my father will not be able to live in the county town in the future, and he is so old that he can't do much work. Anyway, you will definitely live a hard life with my father .

If you really love my father, then I will bless you all, but if you don't want to think about it, you should make it clear as soon as possible. Later, my father will stay in the country for you, and it will not be so easy for you to push my father away. "

Qin Yuer's reminder made Liu Xiaolan bite her lower lip, not knowing what to do.

Make a decision as soon as possible now, and you can get rid of Qin An earlier.

Afraid to wait any longer, it was not easy to dump Qin An at that time, and she would have to spend her whole life with her?

No. She doesn't want it!

If she wants to live a good life, she can't stay in the poor countryside!So she can't be with Qin An!
(End of this chapter)

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