Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1460 Lost 12

Chapter 1460 Lost 100 taels
Qin Yuer thought for a while, and then said to Wang Lao Er, "Wang Lao Er, you can ask for any compensation you want!"

"Qin Yu'er, you can pay me as much as you think you are worth!" Wang Laoer didn't know how much he wanted, but after saying this, Qin Yu'er could only pay her more, but not If there is less, you will be compensated.

Otherwise, it would be Liu Xiaolan admitting that she is worthless.

It doesn't matter if she really feels that she is worthless!
Qin Yu'er's face was also extremely ugly after hearing what Wang Laoer said.

"you you……"

After deliberating for a while, Qin Yu'er took a deep breath and said, "Wang Er Er, I will pay you one hundred silver coins. Is it enough to compensate you so much?"

In the countryside, 100 taels of silver is a lot of money.

Although Qin Yu'er felt that she was worth several tens of thousands, she couldn't have given the money to Wang Laoer truthfully, unless she was out of her mind.

Giving Wang Laoer 100 taels of silver would not make him look too cheap, and he would lose face. The most important thing is that he would not have to pay Wang Er much money.

Wang Laoer smiled, "Okay, Qin Yuer, if you think you are worth 100 taels, then pay 100 taels, I don't have any big opinions!"

In fact, Wang Laoer just wanted to blackmail casually. He was able to blackmail up to 100 taels of silver.

100 taels of silver is enough for him to spend a long time. Even if he marries a daughter-in-law, he can buy a young and beautiful woman with good conditions like that, and it will cost him three or forty taels at most.

The other second sons of Qian Wang can stay and buy a few acres of land later, and they can live a happy life in the future.

"That's fine, I'll give you 100 taels of silver, I hope you don't make trouble again!" Qin Yu'er said, and threw the 100 taels of silver to Wang Laoer.

Wang Laoer took it with a smile, and then teased Qin Yuer, "Hey, Yuer, you are still generous and sensible!"

Qin Yu'er replied disgustedly to Wang Laoer, "Wang Laoer, since you got the money, get out of here quickly and don't walk around in front of me!"

Wang Laoer was not angry either, but now for the sake of 100 taels, he replied to Qin Yu'er with a playful smile, "All right, all right, I'll leave now, so I won't annoy you!"

With that said, Wang Laoer left the Qin family's yard, and everyone who joined the fun sighed, feeling that Wang Laoer was lucky.

If I had known that the Zhu family had come to cause trouble, they should have paid the same as Wang Laoer. Maybe they could follow Wang Laoer's example and make a lot of money now!
Hey, it's a pity, I didn't seize this opportunity, and now Wang Laoer is taking advantage of it.

The rest is how to deal with Liu Xiaolan.

The Qin family first locked Liu Xiaolan in the house, and immediately contacted the old woman to buy Liu Xiaolan.

The Liu family also came to make trouble, but they were afraid of the power behind Qin Yu'er.

In addition, after all, it was the girl who did something wrong, and she was ashamed of her past.

The Liu family can't return all the money Qin An gave, can't they just let their daughter be disposed of by the Qin family?

The next day, the old woman came and took Liu Xiaolan away after paying the money.

Although Liu Xiaolan is very cheap, but Liu Xiaolan is still good-looking after all, and she was sent to a kiln after changing hands, and she could make a fortune in the middle.

The Qin family also got ten taels of silver. Although they didn't think much of the money, they finally got back some money.

(End of this chapter)

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