Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1461 Prepare to build a factory

Chapter 1461 Prepare to build a factory

That's right, Liu Xiaolan went to the kiln and never appeared in the village again.

For Liu Xiaolan's ending, many people are saddened.

But there are very few people who sympathize with Liu Xiaolan.

After all, Liu Xiaolan committed a crime, which led to such an ending, and she must have reaped the consequences. Anyway, Su Qingyao didn't have any sympathy for this woman, and she seemed to have expected that Liu Xiaolan would end up in such a tragic end.

Qin Sheng wanted to congratulate, the fact that Liu Xiaolan was sold into a brothel was a joy to everyone's heart!
Now that Liu Xiaolan is gone in the village, he won't be afraid of someone pestering him in the future.She can be affectionate with her daughter-in-law and ignore those bitches.

After all these incidents were over, Qin An followed Qin Yuer back to the county seat.

Yin Cuihua didn't stay in the village too long, and went to the county town as well.

The entire Qin family was empty for a while.

Shen's house was also built, and she moved to the new house with her three maids to live by herself.

Mrs. Cao is out of confinement and doesn't need someone to follow her to serve her.

However, as a woman of the Cao family, she still has to take care of two maids and babysitters, so it is still very hard work.

But how many women in the country are not bitter?
If it weren't for Su Qingyao relying on herself, she might be suffering as well now.

Only by relying on yourself can you get what you want, and you don't have to beg a woman in a low voice.

In the next period of time, Su Qingyao's business is still very busy, but Su Qingyao has already started planning to build a factory.

Although the recipe of the soap cannot be leaked out, the method can be separated through the assembly line. Everyone can't make a complete one, so the recipe can be kept.

Of course, after the factory was built, Su Qingyao tended to recruit honest and reliable people.

She will not accept those unreliable workers, so as not to have any thoughts.

Once the factory is built, it will be able to produce in large quantities, and the supply of soap will increase in turn.

And toothpaste too!

At that time, it is completely possible to open a few more shops, and slowly open them bigger and bigger, although the profit sharing will increase in the future.

At that time, I'm afraid that she will not be able to imagine her wealth.

Although money is not particularly important, Su Qingyao is well aware of the power of money.

Having money can make ghosts swallow up, and having money is better than having no money.

In this life, if she wants to live a stable life with Qin Sheng, she still needs to have money, so that she can be carefree in the future and provide the best conditions for her children.

Regarding the matter of the factory, Su Qingyao has been thinking about specific plans these days. How big the factory will be built, where it will be built, how many rooms will be built, and how the layout will be structured. All these have to be designed by Su Qingyao herself. Or do it yourself and rest assured.

Su Qingyao, the factory owner, didn't plan to build it far away, so he built it in the village, which is quite convenient for taking photos.

As for the size of the factory... If you want to do more, you must build a bigger one.

Fortunately, there are still a lot of useless land in the village, and when the time comes, we will buy a few more acres and build them together.

The layout of the factory Su Qingyao was also designing and planning, took out the paper, and drew slowly.

Under the candlelight, Su Qingyao was writing and drawing on the paper, and she couldn't go to bed for a long time. Qin Sheng couldn't wait, and made a coquettish gesture to Su Qingyao, "Daughter-in-law, why don't you go to bed yet, hurry up Come here..."

(End of this chapter)

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