Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1517 Su Qingyao makes a move

Chapter 1517 Su Qingyao makes a move

Su Qingyao took a deep breath, faced Feng Quan and said, "It seems that Mr. Feng can't understand people's words?
I said no, Mr. Feng doesn't have to be so enthusiastic. "

"Yo, Miss Su is angry?" Feng Quan asked with a twitch of his lips.

"No, I just don't want to bother Mr. Feng, and I hope Mr. Feng will not stop me and let me go back."

Su Qingyao said, ready to leave again.

Feng Quan was unwilling to let Su Qingyao go.

"Miss Su, what are you doing in such a hurry..."

Su Qingyao faced Feng Quan with a cold face, and asked coldly, "Mr. Feng, what do you want to do?"

"Miss Su, are you angry? Don't make such a face... I don't have any malice towards you, I just want to get in touch with Miss Su and learn more...

After all, I haven't met a woman more beautiful than Miss Su over the years..."

As Feng Quan said, he stretched out his hand dishonestly towards Su Qingyao, wanting to touch Su Qingyao's beautiful face.

Su Qingyao felt that her patience had reached a certain limit.

Based on the principle of not causing trouble, he didn't provoke Feng Quan, but this man repeatedly provoked her bottom line.

Su Qingyao simply couldn't bear it anymore.

Some people are not something you can just endure for a while, especially those who are endlessly entangled like Feng Quan.

It's like a dog skin plaster that can't be shaken off no matter how you shake it.

When Feng Quan reached out his hand bemusedly, Su Qingyao grabbed Feng Quan's wrist, and only heard a "click", Feng Quan's hand was twisted back by Su Qingyao.

Then I heard Feng Quan's scream like a pig.

" hurts to death..."

Feng Quan's face turned pale from the pain, and he rolled on the ground.

Both Xiao Baozi and Dahua Xiaohua were terribly frightened, Cao Shi hurriedly protected the children behind her, while Zhao Hongxiu looked at Su Qingyao worriedly.

Feng Quan was with a few servants behind him. After Feng Quan was injured by Su Qingyao, he hurried forward to help Feng Quan up, and then asked Feng Quan about the situation.

"Young master, are you okay? How's it going?"

Feng Quan endured the pain and said angrily, "Are you blind? Didn't you see that Lao Tzu's hand was about to be broken?"

"My lord... what should we do then? Why don't we send you to the medical hall to have a look~"

Feng Quan replied angrily, "No, catch this stinky bitch for me first!
For grandma, toast and not eat fine wine, catch her and bring her back to my house, let me see if I don't kill him! "

Feng Quan stared at Su Qingyao fiercely.

Few of the women Feng Quan wanted could escape his grasp.

He was already flattering Su Qingyao enough, he spoke politely just now, but Su Qingyao still didn't buy it!

The worst thing was that his hand was almost broken, Feng Quan wanted to cry for his father and mother.

It hurts him to death!

Thinking that his uncle is the magistrate of the county, and their Feng family is so rich, walking sideways in the county, who would dare to come forward to provoke him?
He hasn't suffered any disadvantages since he grew up so big!
Su Qingyao was the first person to hurt him like this.

Damn bitch, he will definitely come back with revenge.

He wanted to pity her, but Su Qingyao forced him to be cruel to her.

After hearing Feng Quan's words, Feng Quan's subordinates all surrounded Su Qingyao.

Seeing this, Zhao Hongxiu worriedly said to Su Qingyao, "Sister Yao, you have to be careful!"

She was pregnant, so she couldn't help Su Qingyao. Instead, she had to take care of her when she went up to help Su Qingyao, which was a drag on her.

(End of this chapter)

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