Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1518 Su Qingyao's powerful skills

Chapter 1518 Su Qingyao's powerful skills
Furthermore, Zhao Hongxiu knew how capable she could be and how big things could be done. She, a powerless woman, was going to deal with Feng Quan's men like an egg hitting a rock.

Su Qingyao nodded, "Sister, don't worry, you take care of yourself, I can still deal with these people."

Thinking of her previous life as a top bodyguard, when she was at her peak, she confronted more than 20 big men alone, and she hadn't lost yet.

She was confident enough to deal with Feng Quan's subordinates.

Su Qingyao stood calmly in the middle, and several of Feng Quan's men approached Su Qingyao.

Seeing that Su Qingyao was just a woman, several subordinates thought it was easy to deal with.

Who knew that just when Su Qingyao surrounded her, the corner of Su Qingyao's mouth curled up in a cold arc.

I saw her lift her feet up and put them back neatly, and with a swift kick, she kicked all the people around her very handsomely.

Many people on the street stopped to watch the commotion.

"Hey, hello... Isn't this woman too powerful? Does she know kung fu? Even a few big men can't beat her alone!"

"Yeah! Looking thin and small, and not very old, I didn't expect to be so good at it."

"You can't judge by appearance... This little girl is really amazing!"



There were exclamations from all around, and even Zhao Hongxiu and Cao's jaw dropped in surprise when they saw Su Qingyao's skill.

No one thought that Su Qingyao's skills were so good.

Cao secretly thought that she was really trying to die in the past, and troubled Su Qingyao from time to time. Fortunately, Su Qingyao's subordinates were merciful, otherwise she would have died thousands of times, how could she have survived until now.

Seeing Su Qingyao beating someone, the children immediately thought that Su Qingyao was so cool.

Xiao Baozi looked at Su Qingyao with worry at first, but now seeing that Su Qingyao knocked down so many people so easily without any effort, he looked at Su Qingyao with admiration after he was relieved.

My sister is so amazing!

Xiaohua couldn't help the praise in her heart, and blurted out, "Aunt Wu is so good, she beat the bad guys to pieces! I wish I could be like Aunt Wu in the future, so that no one would dare to bully me, my mother and my sister anymore. !
Xiaohua also wants to protect her younger brother, so she must learn kung fu from Aunt Fifth! "

Da Hua also nodded in agreement, "Yes, yes, I will follow Aunt Fifth to learn kung fu to beat bad guys!"

Feng Quan was equally astonished, grinning with pain in his hands, staring at Su Qingyao with calculating and resentful eyes.

"You trash, get up quickly, don't lie on the ground, wait for me to catch this woman!"

Hearing Feng Quan's scolding, Feng Quan's subordinates struggled to get up from the ground, and surrounded Su Qingyao again.

The corners of Su Qingyao's lips rose for a moment, and she snorted coldly, "Oh... overestimated~"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyao threw her feet a few more times, and Feng Quan's subordinates were all lying on the ground, unable to move anymore.

Su Qingyao stood where she was, and curled the corners of her lips resolutely, "Come on? You guys are here, why can't you get up?"

Hearing Su Qingyao's provocative tone and contemptuous words, Feng Quan was almost so angry that he gritted his teeth and said, "You woman, I underestimated you..."

Su Qingyao smiled, "Mr. Feng, I don't want to tear myself apart with you, but sometimes you can't bully people too much!"

"Stinky bitch, don't be too complacent, I will definitely get revenge for what I suffered today!"

(End of this chapter)

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