Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1582 Don't Help

Chapter 1582 Don't Help

"That... Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother and Sister, it's like this. Isn't your factory still recruiting people? The third brother just wants to come to work in your factory, do you think so?

The third brother still has to raise a son. If I don't work hard to earn some money, I won't be able to live this day.

We are brothers, anyway, let others do it, let me do it, so brothers must take care of each other and help each other a little bit, right? "

Hearing the third brother's words, Qin Sheng's brows were furrowed together, and he spoke to the third brother with some displeasure. "Third brother, I'm sorry, this can't be done."

Qin Fang was stunned for a moment, and then argued with Qin Sheng a little unconvinced, "Fifth brother, why? Why can't your third brother not do it?
Are you too unkind?Anyway, I am your third brother, I just want you to do me a favor, to find a job to do, but you are not happy, how can you do this?

You want all the outsiders who come to work, but don’t you want my own brother to come to work? "

Seeing the third brother's uninteresting inquiry, Qin Sheng replied unceremoniously, "Third brother, I recruit people here who are hardworking and diligent, and you are so lazy at work, who would let you come?

The last time I built a factory for my house, I liked to be lazy. This is a long-term job. I dare not ask you to help. Who knows if you will be lazy again in the future and play secretly. "

The third brother's face turned red for a moment, and then he argued, "I said fifth brother, how can your third brother be like what you said!"

"Third brother, do you know for yourself? Anyway, my factory can't use people like you, and it's fine if you're lazy by yourself, don't bring other workers to be lazy together." Qin Sheng's attitude was very firm.

Qin Fang was a little annoyed when he saw that he couldn't understand Qin Sheng.

Anyway, they are still brothers, so it's not enough for this sake, right?

"Fifth brother, can't you be accommodating? Can you help your third brother? I don't have other ways to earn money, and I still have a few families to support. If I can't earn money, how can I feed my children? They're all going to starve to death!" Qin Fang's tone of voice was a little softer, and there was a hint of pleading in his tone.

Although Qin Sheng also wanted Sanfang to live a good life, he wanted to help Sanfang.

But with Qin Fang's virtue, he really didn't want to help.

Just like what he said, let Qin Fang come over to work, I'm afraid he will be lazy in the future and even bring other workers to do the same.

After all, no one started to drive, and the atmosphere will not be spoiled.

Qin Fang had been given a chance before, but this third brother didn't know how to cherish it, and tried to change himself to be more diligent.

Now he ran over again, but completely lost his credibility, so Qin Sheng didn't want to help at all.

"Third brother, don't blame me for not helping you, but your lazy temper is probably hard to get rid of.

You have no choice but to work here.Go back and plant the fields at home, and then go out to find some odd jobs to do, so you don’t have to worry about not being full, mainly depends on whether you are diligent or not. "

Qin Fang was a little sad, "Fifth brother, what you said is that you don't want to help third brother?"

"Third brother, I have made my words very clear. It's not that I won't help, but there is no way to help."

"Okay, okay... What a good brother! I'm so mad, coming out of a mother's womb, you treat me like this, it's unreasonable and heartless.

That's fine, I'm not begging you, anyway, I can't count on it! After finishing speaking, Qin Fang turned around angrily and left.

(End of this chapter)

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