Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1583 Sending Qin Fang to change diapers

Chapter 1583 Sending Qin Fang to change diapers

Waiting for Qin Fang to leave, Su Qingyao sighed, "Would it be a little too unkind if we don't help?"

Qin Sheng could see that Su Qingyao still had some pity for the third brother, so he patted Su Qingyao on the shoulder and said, "Daughter-in-law, it's okay.

The third brother deserves what he does, and we brothers can't help in everything, right?
In fact, letting the third brother come to help is what harmed him. Only by letting him suffer outside and grow up.

When the third brother changes later, it won't be too late for us to let the third brother come to work in the factory, right? "

Su Qingyao thought it made sense, so she nodded in response.

"Well, you're right."

"Hey, daughter-in-law, let's not worry about others, just live our own lives.

I'm already so busy, how can I have time to talk to others, don't you think so? "

Su Qingyao nodded in agreement. "Well, live your life first."

On the other side, Qin Fang went back to the Qin family's yard angrily.

At this time, Mrs. Cao was busy cooking in the kitchen, while the child was sleeping in the room.

Qin Zhanpeng's child is very well-behaved. Under normal circumstances, he would never cry or make a fuss, which left Cao a lot of heart.

Dahua helped Cao's fire in the house, while Xiaohua took care of Qin Zhanpeng.

If something happened to Qin Zhanpeng, let Xiaohua tell him. Anyway, he is at home, and he will be able to take care of him soon.

Just when Cao's cooking was halfway through, Qin Zhanpeng's crying suddenly came from the room.

Mrs. Cao raised her voice and asked Xiao Hua from the room, "Xiao Hua, what's wrong with my brother? Why are you crying?"

"Mom, my brother seems to have peed his pants, come and take a look."

Mrs. Cao hurriedly responded, "Yes, I'm here."

As soon as he left the kitchen, he saw Qin Fang come back.

Mrs. Cao instructed Qin Fang, "Master, Zhan Peng is crying in the room and wetting the bed, you should hurry up and help Zhan Peng change his pants and deal with it."

If Qin Fang goes to work, Mrs. Cao can continue to work in the kitchen and cook.

Anyway, Qin Fang has nothing to do now, so Cao thinks it's okay to send Qin Fang away.

Who knew that Qin Fang was a little upset, and replied to Cao Shi in displeasure, "What's the matter with you, mother-in-law? Did a big man do this kind of thing? You even sent me up.

After marrying such a useless woman like you, I am really unlucky for eight lifetimes. "

Qin Xinxin thought, not to mention that Mrs. Cao can look as beautiful as Su Qingyao, if Mrs. Cao can make money like Su Qingyao, he doesn't have to suffer, and he can eat soft food openly.

It's a pity that his wife is not...

Qin Fang felt very depressed when he thought about it. Why is the fifth younger brother so lucky that he can't?

Originally, I had some opinions on Cao Shi, but now seeing that Cao Shi actually sent her to work, I became even more unhappy, and spoke directly to Cao Shi in a very aggressive tone.

Cao was stunned, she didn't expect Qin Fang to be like this, her face sank, and she reasoned with Qin Fang unconvinced.

"What's wrong with the big man? Can't the big man help take care of the child?

Qin Fang, what do you mean?
Now that I know that I am a man, I am lazy at home every day, and I don’t go out to work to earn money, our family is still waiting for you to support me.

Okay, it's fine if you don't go out to work to earn money, since you don't do anything at home, let me go and see Zhanpeng, what's wrong with helping Zhanpeng change a diaper? "

(End of this chapter)

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