Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1610 Temporarily not chaptering the county seat

Chapter 1610 Not going back to the county temporarily
"Mom, I think you've been at home for a long time, when will you come back to live in the county? You can live in the country for a few days, how can you stay in the country and suffer!

If you go back, mother, you can enjoy the blessings in the city..."

Qin An actually wanted Yin Cuihua to go back to the county seat earlier, and also asked Yin Cuihua to take him there earlier.

He had long been impatient with the life in the country, and wanted to go to the county town to enjoy it earlier, but after waiting for such a long time, he still didn't see Yin Cuihua's intention to go back.

Only now did she impatiently interrogate Yin Cuihua.

Yin Cuihua replied vaguely, "Let's have a look again, I think it's good to stay in the country now, and I don't want to go back yet."

"Mom, what's so good about this country? Nothing, no food, no shelter, no clothes, no one to wait for you..."

"Boss, I know what you said, I will tell you when I want to go back."

After Yin Cuihua finished speaking, in order to change the topic, she rubbed her forehead and said, "No, I have a headache, I'll go back and rest first."

Even if Qin An wanted to say something, seeing what Yin Cuihua said, he couldn't pester Yin Cuihua, he could only let Yin Cuihua go back to rest.

However, Qin An was very depressed in his heart. Yin Cuihua stayed at home honestly and did not return to live in the county town. What does this mean?


I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it again, I'm afraid I will become depressed.

He doesn't believe it anymore, his mother is waiting for a good life, but how long can he really stay in the country.

The next day, Qin Kui went to work in Su Qingyao's factory. On the first day, he was a little better. On the second and third day, Qin Kui was so tired that he couldn't hold on anymore, so he just let go. Dry.

And Qin Kui's reaction was completely within Su Qingyao's expectation.

She knew that Qin Kui would definitely not be able to do much work, and it was true.

But Qin Kui couldn't do it, and Su Qingyao fired Qin Kui directly as she said before.

Qin Kui couldn't bear hardships, even if Yin Cuihua came over, he couldn't find anything wrong.

But after Yin Cuihua came, she still couldn't help complaining in front of Su Qingyao, and said to Su Qingyao, "I said the fifth daughter-in-law, you know that the sixth is weak and can't do any heavy work, so you can't give it to the sixth." An easy job?
At any rate, your sixth younger brother has been educated for a few years and can read and write. It should be fine for you to manage your accounts and keep things in mind, right?
How can you entrust this kind of work to outsiders instead of letting your sixth brother do it.You are still his sister-in-law, and you don't help take care of him! "

Su Qingyao sneered, feeling that a person like Yin Cuihua just wasn't satisfied.

It has benefited her, and she wants to continue to take advantage of it!

It seems that I thought too much before, so I shouldn't have given Qin Kui this chance.

Anyway, no matter what I do, I will be nagged by Yin Cuihua.

Probably in Yin Cuihua's opinion, Qin Kui had better not work for their family, and then get paid for nothing.

"Mother, what you said now is wrong, although the sixth brother has studied, don't you know what level he is?
You don't even know how to make an account, let alone keep an account for me. If something goes wrong then, how can I do this business?
I also agreed with you before that the work assigned to him is tiring, you said it yourself, and the sixth brother will definitely persevere.

Why, now the sixth brother can't hold on anymore?I still can't dismiss as agreed before? "

(End of this chapter)

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