Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1611 Lesson to Qin Kui

Chapter 1611 Lesson to Qin Kui
Qin Sheng helped Su Qingyao defend, "Mother, it is the utmost kindness for my wife to provide the sixth brother with this job.

Do you know how many people in the nearby villages, including our village, have no chance of entering my factory.

If it wasn't for my daughter-in-law because the sixth brother is my own brother, how could we have allowed the sixth brother to work in the factory with his virtue?
Opportunities are so precious, shouldn't the sixth brother cherish and grasp them?
It turned out that he was fine, a big man, he couldn't even do any work, so he just wanted to be lazy.

So many women are doing it, the sixth brother is not as good as a woman.

As an older brother, I'm ashamed of him!
Mother, why are you being unreasonable at all?Still protecting the sixth brother like this?

Could it be that you think that Wufang owes you something?Can I get paid for those who don’t need to work for no reason?

I'm not doing charity, and besides, I already said I had broken off the relationship when we separated, so don't come here with a shy face now, and want to take advantage of our fifth room. "

After being teased by Qin Sheng, Yin Cuihua was a little speechless.Who told Qin Sheng to tell the truth!
Yin Cuihua had no choice but to twitch the corners of her mouth, and said to Qin Sheng, "Fifth, it's because mother's way of speaking is wrong. Take a look, can you do me a favor and give your sixth brother a hand?

Your sixth brother has no other skills, only you, the elder brother, can take him in for a while, otherwise he will have no work to do elsewhere. "

Qin Sheng still refused, "Mother, don't blame me for not helping, there is really nothing you can do.

I think you should discipline the sixth brother well and spoil him so much that a big man can't lift his shoulders or carry him with his hands.

Instead of coming to beg me, it's better to talk about how to change the sixth brother.

As long as the sixth brother becomes diligent and capable, where can he find work? "

Seeing Qin Sheng like this, Yin Cuihua just couldn't explain it and didn't want to help at all.

Yin Cuihua sighed, thinking it was better to forget it.

Continuing to argue with Qin Sheng will only cause more embarrassment.

Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Kui, who was standing drooping by the side, stretched out her fingertips angrily, and poked Qin Kui's head vigorously a few times, finally it hurt Qin Kui's head.

Qin Kui looked at Yin Cuihua with some complaints, "Mom, why are you poking me? It hurts to death! If you poke my head a few more times, you will smash my head!"

Yin Cuihua said a little angrily, "You have the nerve to say it! You brat, it's all because of you. If it wasn't for you not being able to endure hardship, would you have lost this job?"

Qin Kui lowered his head, rubbed his forehead, and shouted, "Mother, I'm too tired, I can't do it at all..."

"You can't do it? How did they do it?

You are a big man, is it possible that you are not as good as a woman? "Yin Cuihua continued to question angrily.

Qin Kui curled his lips, "Mother, why are you comparing me with others? It's not like you don't know that I haven't done much work since I grew up, and I'm not used to it at all!"

"You brat, you're ashamed to say, I'm the one who spoiled you! See if I don't clean you up, and see if you're not diligent in logistics!"

As Yin Cuihua said, she picked up a branch on the ground and drew it towards Qin Kui.

Qin Kui was hurt a bit, and quickly dodged, "Mother, it hurts, don't hit me!"

(End of this chapter)

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