Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1612 The Accident in the County

Chapter 1612 The Accident in the County
"Don't hit you? You brat, wouldn't you be overwhelmed if you didn't hit you?

It makes you unable to bear hardships and makes you lazy.

It's okay to be lazy before, but what's the situation now, are you lazy?
Can't get by? "

Yin Cuihua couldn't get her claws back from Qin Kui's body, and she became more and more angry, so the fists that landed on Qin Kui's body became heavier and heavier.

Thinking about this son, he really isn't someone to strive for. If she could be like the fifth son, she wouldn't be so worried now.

Qin Kui could only touch Yin Cuihua's fist, and whimpered pitifully a few times.

Qin Sheng watched from the side, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although Yin Cuihua said that she was teaching Qin Kui a lesson, not him, but Qin Sheng always felt that Yin Cuihua was just showing him a beating.

Qin Sheng took a deep breath, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to Yin Cuihua, "Mother, stop beating, forget it.

Sixth Brother has always been like this, you can't teach him right away.

Besides, it doesn't matter whether the sixth brother does work or not, and he can't earn much wages from work, so it's better not to do it.

Mother, anyway, you are not short of money, so it is not worth getting angry over this kind of thing. "

Yin Cuihua was suffering and couldn't tell, but if it had been put in the past, Qin Sheng was indeed right to say so.

But now...

Yin Cuihua couldn't explain the reason, she really couldn't save face.

Qin An also followed up with some persuasion, "Mother, my brother is right, anyway, you and the sixth brother are not short of that little money, if the sixth brother can't do it, he can't do it.

In my opinion, you should go back to the county as soon as possible. Since you have a good life, why do you need to come out to practice? "

Yin Cuihua glanced at Qin Sheng, then at Qin An.

He could only stare at Qin Kui, but didn't say anything else.

After waiting for Yin Cuihua to leave, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng's ears became quiet again.

But two days later, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng understood why Yin Cuihua wanted Qin Kui to work, and why they returned to the village suddenly.

According to Qin Sheng's inquiries, it turned out that it was Yin Cuihua and Qin Kui who brought Lin Ruyue back. Who knew that under Lin Ruyue's instigation, Qin Kui went to the casino to gamble and lost a sum of money.

If the money was not paid, Qin Kui would have to be killed by the people in the casino. In desperation, Yin Cuihua and Qin Kui had no choice but to sell the house in the county seat and collect the money to pay off the gambling debt.

But after this, Yin Cuihua no longer had much money in her hands. The house in the county was sold to pay off the debt, and the two of them could only come back to live in the village.

As for Lin Ruyue... After Qin Kui ran out of money, he ran away with others.

In fact, Lin Ruyue is related to the boss behind the casino, and the child in her belly is not Qin Kui's at all.

After hearing the news brought back from the county seat, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng were deeply moved.

Originally, if Yin Cuihua and Qin Kui were honest and honest, there was a house in the county town, Zhao Hongxiu could arrange it properly, and they would be able to enjoy happiness for the rest of their lives.

But the two of them didn't know how to cherish it. Under the circumstances of being monsters, they played a good hand of cards to pieces, and returned to the countryside to live a hard life.

Lies will eventually be exposed one day, and now that Yin Cuihua and Qin Kui don't tell the story of the county, they will not be able to hide it.

However, although the two of them are a little miserable now, Su Qingyao has no sympathy.

Poor people may have something to hate, people like Yin Cuihua and Qin Kui deserved this ending.

(End of this chapter)

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