Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1614 Going to Haiguo

Chapter 1614 Going to Haiguo

With this foundation in place, Su Qingyao is not afraid that the business in Kyoto will be bad.

During these days, Qin Sheng was also very busy.

Qin Sheng has more plans.

I think this soap, toothpaste, and skin care products can be sold not only in their country, but also in other countries.

Because there are already middlemen who start to resell and make money in other countries.

Naturally, Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng didn't want this part of the profits to be divided, so they decided to open shops in surrounding countries.

Before they knew it, half a year had passed. Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng made a lot of money by selling soap, toothpaste, and skin care products.

As the business continues to develop, more and more money is earned, which is estimated to be more than they can spend in a few lifetimes.

But no one would dislike having a lot of money, but Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng found it very interesting in the process of making money.

It seems that I have found my purpose in life!

Otherwise, life in the country would be a bit boring, but after having these goals, I feel very fulfilled when I get busy every day.

Just like Su Qingyao now, with the expansion of his business, he earns more and more money, and feels more and more confident in this world.

After earning money, Su Qingyao continued to purchase many acres of land.

Soon, Qin Sheng organized the team and decided to go to other countries to fight and develop business.

According to Qin Sheng's plan, each country assigns a person in charge, establishes a factory, and then gradually opens a shop in this country with the factory as the center, just like a shop opened in China.

However, the people in charge he found were all reliable, and Qin Sheng didn't dare to hand over this kind of business to others casually.

After everything was ready, Qin Sheng was ready to leave with someone.

The night before leaving, Su Qingyao packed up everything in front of Qin Sheng and made arrangements.

Su Qingyao prepared several sets of Qin Sheng's change of clothes, and some dry food, all made by herself.

And some snacks, Qin Sheng can eat them if he gets hungry.

This time Qin Sheng went to Hai Country.

Haiguo is in the south of Dazhou Kingdom, and there is a lot of water. Unlike Dazhou, where most people farm, most people in Haiguo rely on fishing for a living. Because there is a lot of water, there is relatively little dry land.

The reason why I went to Haiguo this time is because the weather in Haiguo is relatively hot, and most of the citizens live by fishing. Fishing for a long time is easy to catch a fishy smell on the body, and if the weather is hot, you have to take a bath frequently.

Therefore, if you sell soap in Haiguo, there is still a bright future.

The scent of soap can remove the fishy smell on people to a certain extent, and can make the body cleaner.

Because Haiguo is a land of fish and rice, its people are relatively wealthy and its products are abundant.

No matter how rich the country does business, the money will naturally be more profitable.

Su Qingyao supported Qin Sheng in developing his career.

Su Qingyao has noticed Qin Sheng's hard work these days.His duo looks the same, and he is very serious about his career.

Su Qingyao felt that she should not trap Qin Sheng. If she liked someone, she hoped that he would do better and do what she liked.

With the development of his career, Qin Sheng also regained some confidence.

From Qin Sheng's point of view, he was not good enough for Su Qingyao, and he almost failed to protect Su Qingyao before.

So I thought that I must work hard to earn money. Only by earning more money and being capable can I have enough strength to protect Su Qingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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