Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1615 Will miss him

Chapter 1615 Will miss him

Just like this time, if he can do a good job in doing business in Haiguo, he will get more profits in the future. It is estimated that within a few years, he and Su Qingyao will become the richest people in the country.

Although people who do business are not welcome in this era, scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen have the lowest status.

But when the businessman is really rich, there will still be many officials to fawn on.

Money can turn ghosts around. As long as you have money, many things can be easily solved.

At that time, he will have the full ability to protect his beloved.

Although it may take a while to go to Haiguo, and Qin Sheng was very reluctant to see Su Qingyao during this time, but a man should not be careless when doing big things.

He must succeed and repay Su Qingyao with success.

After Su Qingyao prepared things for Qin Sheng, she said, "Qin Sheng, the journey is long, so you have to be careful with the team."

Qin Sheng brought a lot of people this time, a total of 30 people, all of whom were reliable men selected from several nearby villages.

None of us are willing to leave their hometowns, but in order to support their families and give them a better life, they are still willing to try.

Qin Sheng paid a lot of wages this time, and if he succeeds, there will be a profit commission and a salary. When he succeeds, he will be able to live comfortably for the rest of his life.

For many people who are oppressed by life, this is a great temptation.

Some people have no land and may starve to death. Naturally, they will not refuse to do such a thing at this time.

Anyway, I'm almost starving to death, and staying in the village is completely meaningless. Why don't you go out and fight hard, and if you fight well, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

The so-called leaving home is a helpless move, but they all look forward to returning to their hometown.

Qin Sheng nodded in response, "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I will definitely take care of myself.

Daughter-in-law, I'm gone and you have to be careful at home alone! "

"It's not that you don't know my skills. Who is going to die? It's best not to provoke me, or my fists are not vegetarian!" Su Qingyao patted her chest and said.

Qin Sheng nodded.

Fortunately, knowing that Su Qingyao is very skilled, ordinary people can't deal with Su Qingyao at all.

Otherwise, Qin Sheng couldn't rest assured that Su Qingyao was alone at home.

"Well, daughter-in-law, just be careful. Will you miss me when I leave?" Qin Sheng curled his lips, feeling a little worried when he thought of this.

He couldn't bear it in his heart, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do.

Hey, thinking of being away for so long, Qin Sheng was a little bit crazy.

If it wasn't for business, he must not have been separated from his wife for such a long time,
"Of course I will!" Su Qingyao replied without hesitation.

Hearing Su Qingyao's answer, Qin Sheng nodded in relief.

It's good for the wife to think about him.

Qin Sheng hugged Su Qingyao in his arms and said, "Daughter-in-law, I miss you too!"

"Well, I know! Hurry up and handle the business over there in Haiguo, and you can come back sooner." Su Qingyao twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled slightly.

Qin Sheng took a deep breath, and then asked, " you hate me for leaving?"

"Why do I hate you?"

"I think I'm a little selfish, to do what I want to do, and then leave you...Daughter-in-law, do you think I'm going too far?" Qin Sheng said with a low brow.

Su Qingyao patted Qin Sheng's shoulder and comforted, "Don't think about it, don't worry about it, I will support you in whatever you want to do!"

(End of this chapter)

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