Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1624 Cute Little Life

Chapter 1624 Cute Little Life
The fourth brother felt even more joyful.

Because I love Zhao Hongxiu deeply, the fourth brother also thinks that the child's appearance should be more like Zhao Hongxiu.

After all, Zhao Hongxiu was born good-looking, and a child who looked like Zhao Hongxiu was much more beautiful than someone who looked like him.

If the child is like him, it won't be so good-looking.

Facing a cute little life, the fourth brother stared at the child and continued to stare, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, revealing a happy smile.

It may be possible to become a father, and there is no way not to be excited.

In addition, it is the child of the person I love the most, which is the crystallization of love between them.

This little life symbolizes the love between him and Zhao Hongxiu during this period.

At first I thought the baby was a bit ugly, but now I like it more and more.

The midwife laughed again and said, "Young master, you are really lucky. The child is still tender and fat, and will be easy to support in the future."

The fourth brother nodded, very happy, so he ordered the servants to take the midwife to get rewards.

Because he was happy, the fourth brother asked the midwife to give some more rewards. The midwife happily received the reward, and at the same time told the mother what to pay attention to, and then left.

After Su Qingyao gave Zhao Hongxiu the needle, she was a little tired. She just concentrated on it and spent a lot of energy. Now she only feels a severe headache.

However, successfully saving Zhao Hongxiu also made Su Qingyao breathe a sigh of relief. Thinking of fourth brother and Zhao Hongxiu's child, Su Qingyao moved up to fourth brother and looked at the child in fourth brother's arms.

Sure enough, just as the midwife said, the child's appearance followed Zhao Hongxiu's.

It's ugly at first, but after a few days it becomes cute.

It is mainly the facial features of the child, who can vaguely see how he will look good when he grows up.

"Fourth brother, this child is really cute!" Su Qingyao touched the child's little face while talking.

The fourth brother nodded in response, and said with emotion while being happy, "Although the child is good, it was your fourth sister-in-law who almost took her life to give birth."

While the fourth brother was speaking, there was a distressed look in his eyes.

Su Qingyao understood what the fourth brother was distressed about, and comforted the fourth brother, "Having a baby is inherently risky, but isn't the fourth sister-in-law all right now? Fourth brother, don't worry too much."

The fourth brother nodded, "Yeah, it's a good thing it's okay, otherwise I'll be sorry for the rest of my life.

Your fourth sister-in-law gave birth to a child for me, and I will cherish her and love this child well in the future.But in the future, I still can't let your fourth sister-in-law give birth, it's too dangerous. "

In the eyes of the fourth brother, Zhao Hongxiu is the most important, and he can't bear to watch the fourth sister-in-law die again.

Su Qingyao nodded in response, but the fourth brother's thoughts were exactly the same as Qin Sheng's.

But I can understand.

For Su Qingyao, if she wanted to have a child, she would not worry about the risk of having a child. Some risks were voluntarily borne by herself.

Just like she is willing to have a few more children for Qin Sheng and for the sake of having more relatives.

The fourth brother looked at Su Qingyao and saw that Su Qingyao also had a tired face. He knew that Su Qingyao had worked hard today, so he said to Su Qingyao, "Fifth brother and sister, you worked hard today too. If it weren't for you, your fourth sister-in-law still doesn't know what to do What about the situation. Fourth brother, thank you, now your fourth sister-in-law is fine, you should go back and rest quickly. "

Su Qingyao smiled slightly, and replied, "It's okay, fourth brother, you're welcome, that's fine, fourth brother, I'll leave the rest to you, I'll go back and sleep first."

(End of this chapter)

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