Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1625 Arrived in Sea Country

Chapter 1625 Arrived in Sea Country
The fourth brother nodded emphatically, "Well, fifth brother and sister, go and rest quickly, don't get tired."

With the fourth brother and the servants in the mansion, Su Qingyao can also safely order Zhao Hongxiu, otherwise, if Zhao Hongxiu is not around, she will continue to pay.

Dragging her tired body, Su Qingyao returned to the room, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Su Qingyao had a nightmare. She dreamed that she had dystocia, and she was struggling in pain in the dream, as if she couldn't get rid of it.

When I woke up, my back was already covered with a layer of sweat beads.

Su Qingyao sat on the bed and took a breath, the dream just now was still disturbing her.

Probably because of Zhao Hongxiu's incident, and Wang Cuihua's dystocia before, even though she didn't feel anything, it still left an indelible impression on her heart.

What happened in reality was confirmed in the dream, and then such a nightmare occurred.

In the next few days, although Zhao Hongxiu was bleeding heavily this time, after proper recuperation, her body slowly recovered.

The Zhao family is rich and has a lot of supplements in the house, so it will not be a loss to Zhao Hongxiu.

As for Zhao Hongxiu's child, it was wrinkled when it was first born, but after a few days of raising it, it was white and tender, with a lot of freshness.

Zhao Hongxiu is also a first-time mother. Compared with before, there is a touch of motherly tenderness in her affection.

After staying at Zhao's house for more than ten days and helping Zhao Hongxiu with confinement for a few days, Su Qingyao felt that she had stayed enough time, so she asked to leave.

Although Zhao Hongxiu was reluctant for Su Qingyao to leave, she knew that Su Qingyao also had her own things to do, so she let Su Qingyao go.After all, she couldn't delay Su Qingyao's major event. Now Su Qingyao's business is developing well, and it will soon surpass their Zhao family.

Zhao Hongxiu reckoned that Su Qingyao would be one of the richest people in the entire Great Zhou Kingdom if he continued to operate for a few more years.

She supports Su Qingyao to develop her career well. After all, money can solve many things these days.Especially the very rich, who can control many things.

Only by working hard to climb to a certain position and reach a certain height, will you not worry that you will not be able to protect what you want to protect.

It is estimated that it has been more than a month since Qin Sheng left. Su Qingyao thought that Qin Sheng should have already arrived in the territory of Haiguo.

But at this time, Qin Sheng had indeed arrived in the territory of Haiguo as Su Qingyao expected.

They arrived five days ago.

However, the border area of ​​the sea country is almost worse than the key cities and towns of the sea country.

Even so, after Qin Sheng and his party arrived in Haiguo, they still felt that Haiguo was a little richer than Dazhouguo.

The sea country has a lot of water and a lot of fields.

In general, various products are abundant.

Because of the affluent conditions, the country also puts more emphasis on commerce, so the commerce in Haiguo is very prosperous.

When you go to the border, you can see all kinds of things sold in the town, especially some things that many people have never seen.

Qin Sheng inquired about it, and because the sea country has a large piece of land near the sea, maritime trade is also relatively developed, and many things are obtained through trading with other countries farther away.

After arriving in Haiguo, the overall impression given to Qin Sheng and his group was that Haiguo was much richer than the citizens of Dazhouguo.

"Hey, before I came to Haiguo, I didn't know what Haiguo was like. Only after I came here did I realize that Haiguo is really rich!"

(End of this chapter)

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